cool new pocket auto mfg'er


New member
Very nice looking and tempting other than the fact that .380 ammo is like gold...

A subC 9 would have been cooler...


New member
What the heck is "FEA (Finite Element Analysis")? This sounds like something you'd hear on a 3:00 AM "infomercial."

And I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that this is another pot metal wonder.


New member
in the time it took you to type it, you could have searched for the term
In a structural simulation, FEM helps tremendously in producing stiffness and strength visualizations and also in minimizing weight, materials, and costs.

FEM allows detailed visualization of where structures bend or twist, and indicates the distribution of stresses and displacements. FEM software provides a wide range of simulation options for controlling the complexity of both modeling and analysis of a system. Similarly, the desired level of accuracy required and associated computational time requirements can be managed simultaneously to address most engineering applications. FEM allows entire designs to be constructed, refined, and optimized before the design is manufactured.


New member
Yet another 9mm kurz pistol in an already crowded market that has no visible ammunition support!!

Also, why can't these guys make a micro mini .380 with a slide stop??


New member
And I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that this is another pot metal wonder

I was wrong about the pot metal aspect; I contacted the company and they replied that the slide is heat treated 4140 steel.

This little gun might end up being a winner.
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New member
Another South Florida gun company....hmmm....;).

Seems like a lot of these Fla. Gun companies are manufacturers, and importers of "lesser grade" products.

These guys are in Coca, isn't that where Kel-Tec is?(not downing Kel-Tec, just curious)


New member
Mybe in 9mm or 40, I'd be interested. If I were get it now, it would just sit, collecting dust, like my other .380's.

This must be a "grand Scheme". Flood the market with .380 CCW guns, and then FAIL to produce ammo.

michael t

New member
Its glock ugly Sorry I will keep my 3 KelTecs 2 in 32 and 1 in 380 Their $270 in my area That thing is to much money and unknown

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
porkskin said:
Literally a pocket Glock.

Just because the abuse of the word irritates me...

It's not "literally" a pocket Glock. If it were, well, it would be a Glock.

Sort of like saying "She was so mad that she literally has smoke coming out her ears!" No, she did not, unless she's a robot.
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