Convicted Felon With Guns


New member
Who do you contact to turn in a convicted felon that has multiple guns? I was thinking maybe the BATFE or maybe the FBI since it's a federal crime.


New member
Local sheriff or city police have jurisdiction, but may not do anything. If he's not actually waving them around or carrying them, they'd need a reason to enter his house and "find" them. If they don't actually SEE them, then it comes down to your word against his, and that isn't enough for them to search.


New member
I agree, Local LEO's will do this work. If you can snap a picture of the offender, then you have your probable cause. Phone Photo's work well too, according to the LEO's in my area.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
They would probably need a reason to stop him.

What's he done to get you riled up? How do you know he's got guns (in his truck)?


New member
If the problems are serious why not involve the police for that matter?

I'm guessing the federal agent occupation listed on your profile is a joke since you are asking these questions.


Active member
If he's a convicted felon on parole, find out who his probation officer is and contact him/her. If he's done his time and isn't threatening anyone with guns, I personally wouldn't call anyone unless he was creating problems for me. Even then, I doubt that I'm going to place a call to legal authorities concerning guns he isn't brandishing.


New member
Well why can't your friend call the local police or sheriff? Which is who would handle it.

Never much carred for third parties making someone elses dispute thier own especially by tattle tailing for a friend.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, Jack, why don't you just take him down yourself?

You are a federal agent aren't you?

Just don't torture him 'til the cameras get there okay?


New member
Yes, I am but he's not a terrorist so it's a bit out of my hands for now. Will try to search his computer for terrorist connections. Will get back to you when I have more info.


New member
Are you kiddin??? :rolleyes: I agree w/ Bud.... :cool:

Who do you contact to turn in a convicted felon that has multiple guns? I was thinking maybe the BATFE or maybe the FBI since it's a federal crime.

A Federal Agent would NOT be asking this question, especially on an open forum. :p Good Grief.

But the answer is the same as everyone has already said.... "local SO or PD".


New member
If you're in California CAL DOJ has a whole unit dedicated to these types of things. If he's on probation or parole he's lost his rights to search and siezure and P/C is not needed. Other than that good luck, hope your buddy appreciates you taking this on.


New member
Hey Coyote,
I thought only the parole officer could search w/o PC and other LEO had to treat the same as any other stop? We were told we could NOT pull someone over or search just because we knew they were a felon, only the PO had that right. They they still retained their 4th amendment rights.
You guys can search them for no other reason than knowing they are a felon? Just curious.


New member
There are both state and federal laws against it. Local officers can handle it or ask ATF to come in and take over the case. Everytime I've called ATF to take a case, they have been more than happy too. As far as the search and seizure part, if they are on probation or parole, the probation or parole officer can search without a warrant or probably cause. In most states, police officers have to either have a warrant or permission to search from the suspect unless it's in plane view. However, I know some states have laws that convicted felons can be searched anytime, warrant or not, permission or not. I can't remember what's states those are. Here in Texas, we can't do that. The states laws vary from the federal laws usually. Federal law states that felons can never be in possession of a firearm. In Texas, the state laws says they can posses a firearm at there residence only, 10 yrs after the felon either gets out of prison or probation/parole. If we run into a real dirt bag with a weapon and we can't file state charges, we usually call ATF out to the scene to take them.


New member
Mr. Clean

The Probation/Parole search clause states: You shall submit to search of your person, vehicle, and place of residence at any time of the day or night by any law enforcement officer. Typically where I'm at searches are by the Parole Agent/Probation Officer. Police and sheriff's can search them and typically as an extra buffer of protection they will call with probation or parole first to confirm that a search is appropriate.

Parolees are protected from excessive searches, i.e. multiple searches in a short period of time.


New member
Who do you contact to turn in a convicted felon that has multiple guns? I was thinking maybe the BATFE or maybe the FBI since it's a federal crime.

If he was transporting them in his truck would that be enough to call the police?

Sounds like someone needs to return to "Federal Agent School"

Bud Helms
Well, Jack, why don't you just take him down yourself?

You are a federal agent aren't you?

Just don't torture him 'til the cameras get there okay?

Yes, I am but he's not a terrorist so it's a bit out of my hands for now. Will try to search his computer for terrorist connections. Will get back to you when I have more info.

Umm... Yeah... Since when did us non-torturous types here on TFL become your supervisor??? And last time I checked, LEO's need a specific reason to research and investigate U.S. citizens, supposed "convicted felon" or not. Is this guy even within your jurisdiction? Do you have a jurisdiction??? Maybe those silly constitution thingies and such don't apply to your "super-secret, nobody even knows it exists agency" which is probably where this was headed anyway. All in an attempt to seem cool on this here 'innernet doohicky'... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Somethin smells a bit funny and I'm pretty sure it ain't the dog that done it...