Converting a 1911 to 9mm?


New member
Okay, what's it gonna take?

I assume that it's not as simple as getting just a 9mm barrel and magazine (like the ones available from, right? Would I need new springs or anything?

I have a 1911, but my dad always shoots 9mm, so we have a HUGE surplus of 9, and I'd like to burn through some of it. I'm on a poor college student's budget right now, so I was thinking maybe convert my 1911 to 9.

My dad's a retired LEO, but he still is a reserve, so he has to periodically qualify at the local police range. Every time he goes he comes back with a ton of free Hydrashoks and blazers.

Thanks for the info!

Spydie Man

New member
9mm -1911

Assuming you have a 1911 in .45 apc. You will need to have a 9mm or 38 Super (either will work) slide, extracter,firing pin,and the ejector must be changed on your frame.

Also your barrel and bushing must be 9mm. If you were hoping for a simple conversion that with a simple field stripping you could convert back to your current caliber ....well.... It just insnt that simple. However If you are looking for a dedicated setup then this can be a good way to go.

A good source for parts locally Is Military Surplus Plus. On east bouandry In Perrysburg. They also set up at the M.V.G.C.A. shows that are held at the woodland mall. They carry about everything for a 1911 except the frame.

Another source for much higher quality and priced parts is Brownells.

Good luck


New member
Ahh shucks. Shoulda known it. :) The way the little ad for the 9mm barrel was worded it seemed like it was just a drop-in conversion. Oh well. It looks like I'll have to start shopping around for a 9 now... :D

Hey, Spydie Man, I'm probably going to be attending the upcoming show at woodland mall. I haven't been to one before, do they have a good selection? How big is the show? I've got a couple milsurp rifles, and I'm always looking for more. How are prices? Are there many vendors that sell accessories (holsters, gear bags, belly-bands, etc)?


Spydie Man

New member
I have been to about six of the shows since they have been holding them there and they are alot better than when the same promoter was holding them at the Lucas County Rec. Center.

As far as prices I dont think that they are too far out of Fair market value. But I am a rather frugal shopper always looking for a deal. I hate to part with my hard earned money.

There are some venders who sell gear . There is even a dealer who holds a Class 3 license. Ottawa Ordonance is his company name and he carrys a fairly extensive line of blackhawk gear. What he dosent stock I belive he can get.

As for the size of the show I would guess that they are running between 300 and 500 tables depending on the particular weekend. They always seem to be packed and parking is difficult.


New member
Hmm, sounds like my kind of show. :D I'll definitely make sure my calendar is free next weekend.

Thanks for the info.