Converting .45 GAP gun to other rounds?


New member
So I was thinking, let's say that the .45 GAP turns out to be another flash-in-the-pan caliber like say the .41 Magnum or .357 Sig (just two caliber that were supposed to be more popular than they are). Now with the .357 Sig for example, one can always get a different barrel and shoot .40 S&W out of a gun originally chambered for .357 Sig. Can you do that with the .45 GAP? :confused:


New member
For a cartridge that's over 40 years old, still in production, and still gaining popularity it's rather hard to say the .41 Magnum is a flash in the pan.


New member
There is currently nothing that you can shoot out of your .45 GAP. The breach face is sized for a .45 but the grip is not large enough to accomodate the .45 acp round. Therefore, there is really nothing you can convert to by dropping in a barrel like the .357sig / .40S&W.

Personally, I can't see the .45 GAP attaining the level of the .357 sig, which is a moderately popular round in some circles.


Well, what about loading up acp's with a short bullet and short OAL, to the same size of the gap round? I guess that in theory you can do this, but in practice, if you have to load it up yourself, you may as load up gap with the stronger brass, and brass will be available for the gap at least for your and my lifetimes. Most any cartridge - even flashes in the pan - result in someone making runs of brass and having it on hand to sell for decades upon decades to come, and surely the gap round has already attained that stature - but no, you won't be shooting factory acp rounds, so if you don't reload, and it's a flash in the pan, then you've acquired a fairly spendy doorstop.
flash-in-the-pan caliber like say the .41 Magnum or .357 Sig

Gee, does the TDPS and Federal Air Marshal Service know this? They seem to be totally enamoured with their .357 Sigs.

IIRC, the .45 GAP case is thicker than the ACP to hold the higher pressure, but I guess you could trim the ACP case to GAP dimensions, then hold the pressure to ACP levels. Might have to trim the recoil springs in your weapon somewhat to make it reliable.