Convert Marlin 60 to Marlin 795????


New member
Can a Marlin model 60 tube fed .22 be converted into the magazine fed version (the model 795)? If anyone knows about this or how to do it, I would appreciate the info. Thanks.


New member
Having grew up with one..If possible, it'd be far more hassle than its worth(cutting, machining, filing'd be better to just get a 10/22 in that case.

I don't really see why you'd want to ..the tube gives you Hicap built in..and doesn't hang out and get in the way.


New member
Can a Marlin model 60 tube fed .22 be converted into the magazine fed version (the model 795)? If anyone knows about this or how to do it, I would appreciate the info. Thanks.
Yes, find the 795 you want and trade your model 60 in on it. By far the quickest and cheapest way to get the job done.:D