Convert .45 Govt to Commander model


New member
Is it possible to put a Commander sized slide on a regular .45 Government model frame? I would like the option of using the shorter slide for CCW and having the long slide for target shooting.

Pardon if this is a stupid question.



New member
It will physically fit on the frame, but you will lose some slide travel, and I don't know if it would be enough that you wouldn't get reliabe ejection. The butt of the gun is what makes concealment a hassle; 3/4" of barrel/slide shouldn't make much difference, especially in an all-steel gun.


New member
Commander frames have slightly different geometry than Government frames. Commander slides will short stroke on Government frames, causing reliability concerns. Officer's frames can accept Commander slides and vice versa however.


New member

OK, rats looks like I will have to buy another gun. That is really too bad...

Thanks for the reply,


New member
If you're looking for one of the best possible combinations, try putting a commander slide on an officers frame (or cut the commander frame to officers length). It gives you a lightweight, easily concealed handgun that shoots very similar to a full size, with the reliability of a big gun too. I absolutely love mine and carry it often.