Conversion to adjustable sights.


New member
I've always wondered about converting a fixed sight Smith to adjustable. I've always thought you would have to mill the trough out then cut a dovetail then find a taller than normal rear. upon further thought I guess you could just cut a dovetail through the trough. It would leave a gap under the new rear sight but shouldn't really matter? specifically thinking about a M65. The trough is fine for combat but I don't like the sight picture for more precise shooting.


New member
If I were you, I would just trade it for a Model 66. Neither gun is particularly hard to find, and the gunsmithing necessary to do this conversion would probably cost more than the trade-in value difference at a dealer. :(

Gun 4 Fun

New member
Contact either David Clements@ Clements Custom Guns or
Hamilton Bowen @ Bowen Classic Arms
They both do the type of work you're looking for and can give you prices. Both do top quality work.


New member
Unless you just want a custom revolver with your specs why not just get the adjustable sighted version of the M65 which is the M66?