Contender for the Army's New Rifle

American Man

New member
I saw a segment on one of the gun show channels and I liked what I saw. The casings don't even get hot like brass.

I've always had a love hate relationship with 5.56. There were times it took too many rounds to put one man down. If that new rifle is as easy to maneuver as the M4, I doubt it will take multiple shots to take someone down... even the ones that have to get hi before they attack.


New member
While it has some relevance, the issue is not the caliber, its the bullet.

A 5.56 with the right bullet will kill deer just fine.

The military used an AP (ball) round, its intended for a degree of armor penetration .

So it just pokes a hole in people. Sans hydroponic shock (or whatever they claim) there is not a significant difference in a 5.56 hole and a 6.8 hole. Even a 30 cal hole is problematical.

Get a more specif round for the job (or or the carry option) and then you can get more lethal much like occurred with SD rounds for 9mm.


New member
While it has some relevance, the issue is not the caliber, its the bullet.

The issue is the caliber. One of the requirements, penetrate the newest body armor at 600 meters. The 5.56 can't do it.
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New member
My understanding is that the plan under development is for a replacement SAW in a new 6.8 cal cartridge, for which there are three contenders, only one of which is the polymer cased. As I understand it, there is no plan at this time to replace the M4. The goal is to have a squad level firearm that can reach out lethally farther than the underwhelming 5.56.


New member
As I understand it, there is no plan at this time to replace the M4.

The entire plan is to replace the M4.

The Army has been looking to replace the M4 carbine

The Army's goal is to select a final design for both weapons from a single company in the first quarter of 2022 and begin replacing both M4s and M249s in an infantry brigade combat team in the first quarter of 2023, Brig. Gen. David Hodne, director of the Army's Soldier Lethality Cross Functional Team, told in July.

American Man

New member
My understanding is that the plan under development is for a replacement SAW in a new 6.8 cal cartridge, for which there are three contenders, only one of which is the polymer cased. As I understand it, there is no plan at this time to replace the M4. The goal is to have a squad level firearm that can reach out lethally farther than the underwhelming 5.56.
Both. At least in the army.


New member
I wonder how that's going to pan out in the context of NATO homogeneity.
Good question...Russian, Chinese 'homogeneity' also. Didn't the 'bad guys' switch to 556 cuz all of NATO was 556? Wasn't everything on the battle field 7.62 when the M16 was introduced in 1969?


New member
Just like any other round covered under the Geneva Convention and or "purposed", I've seen M16s / M4s make a nice little entrance / exit wound and seen the same blow the crap out of where it impacted. Just depends. Same with AKs / SKSs.


New member
I wonder how that's going to pan out in the context of NATO homogeneity.

Whatever the US Army adopts.....NATO will follow.

Given past acquisition trends, it is highly improbable that NATO would adopt a new cartridge unless the US armed forces, and the US Army in particular, intend to field it in significant quantities. US Army requirements are thus the most critical factor in determining whether a general-purpose calibre is likely to be adopted by major Western militaries.


New member
The issue is the caliber. One of the requirements, penetrate the newest body armor at 600 meters. The 5.56 can't do it.

Back in the day of the M-16 they set the specs so it could meet it.

Now it is being moved out.

Its an old well worn Bureaucratic trick (done that once or twice myself, all in a good cause of course) to cook the spec books that get you what you want or the mfg you want.


New member
I'll believe that they're replacing the battle proven 5.56 when i see it.

How times change, I remember the Vietnam Era and how well though of it was.

Now its battle proven (so is the 7.62 x 39!) and the 30-06 and the 7.62 NATO.

Heck I am battle proven, still alive after 65 some years. Took a lot of beatings but kept on ticking.


New member
The casings don't even get hot like brass.

If the heat energy is not getting ejected with the shell casing then the weapon will require a clever design to get rid of the heat.

It will be give year minimum before anything get fielded. Should be interesting. Eventually.