contact your reps again


New member
You must have been reading my mind.

Just emailed Ohio Sen. Portman at about 7pm this evening. Plan on calling his office again in the morning.

You're right, it's very easy.


New member
I emailed my senator, thanked him for having some common sense and for voting against the background checks bill that was defeated in the senate.
The NRA link sends a generic form letter asking officials to oppose S. 649.

The Popvox link works better because you can personalize the letter sent. Here's what I use:

I thank you for taking a stand against the Toomey/Manchin amendment to S. 649. I can only imagine the pressure you were under, and I appreciate your integrity.


New member
I'm from Indiana and contacted both of my senators. Unfortunately, I had to disagree with Donnelly as he voted for the Manchin-Toomey amendment. I told him that I would remember this for next election. On the other hand, my other Senator voted in my favor on every account.