Constitutional Convention?

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New member
I read that there are some Republican congressmen and retired congressmen that are suggesting that we need to have a Constitutional Convention in order to get an amendment for a balanced budget.
Are they INSANE??
This is a HORRIBLE idea... Many, many reasons.
For one thing, if there is, indeed a ConCon, that will put EVERYTHING up for rewriting, or elimination.
Do you trust your so-called conservative representatives to fight for your right to keep and bear arms? Especially with a gun-hating administration and it's propaganda machine?
We can't even get them to take a stand on illegal immigration... and it's already ILLEGAL!
Any residual states' rights? Kiss em goodbye. We have socialists in our legislative bodies and most of our institutes of higher learning.
This is simply a potential DISASTER for the America we are all trying to save.
If we cannot get these so-called conservatives to even use the tools they already HAVE to defeat liberal agendas, then why would we think that opening it ALL up would be better???

I cannot believe this could happen....but if we remain silent....


New member
Take a deep breath and relax,please.
You are quite excited over mis-information.

Of course,those in power in the Fed Gov't will spread mis-information about anything that challenges their power.Fear will be manipulated.

The authors of our Constitution foresaw a day when a Pres might ignore the Constitution and say "I have a pen and a phone"

When a House or Senate Party might compromise the separation of powers for Party power,etc.

So in the Wisdom of the Founders Article 5 was written into the Constitution where the States can have a Convention to create an Ammendment to the Constitution.And then.I believe it is 2/3 of the States must ratify the amendment.Thats unlikely to happen with something irresponsible.

If 2/3 the states pass the Ammendment,it stands,and the Feds have nothing to say about it.

Remember the Constitution says "Powers not specifically granted to the feds remain with the States"

And,remenber,as designed,the state Legislatures selected the senators so their loyalty would remain with their State and constituents rather than the National Party and DC.The Feds changed the rules we were founded on,taking the power of the Senate to the central DC big government power interests.How concerned is your Senator about you?How much time does your Senator spend in your state?

Do you feel your Fed Gov't is ramming things down the throat of the Citizen per their own agenda,against the will of thee States and the Citizen?How is that "Of the People,By the People,For the People working for you?Us?"

Our Founders put article 5 in the Constitution to check a runaway Fed government .

Once again,this is NOT about a re-write of the Constitution.It is about a Constitutional process where the States may write and pass an Ammendment.

I have not read it,but I suggest Mark Levin's book "The Liberty Ammendments".

I suggest Mark Levin is quite loyal to the Constitution,our Founders,and his Landmark Legal Foundation fights to preserve our Liberty.

I respect your loyalty to the Constitution.Try on Mark's book,get the facts down,and see if you still feel the same way.
I have listened to Mark discuss it.I think it is time.I support the Convention of the States.
And I cherish our Constitution.
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New member
I am aware of what Mark Levin wrote (haven't read it yet), but this news report specifically mentioned a Constitutional Convention, not a resorting to Article 5. I would whole-heartedly support a measure to do a 2/3 majority of the states to get an amendment passed..
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