Considering Kimber Compact Carry - 1st 1911 - MANY questions. (long)


New member
Consider my perspective, I'm coming from a Glock model 30.


Get to stick with 45acp, and can (safely) shoot lead reloads.

The 1911s are slimmer, I hope for it to be an "in-between" between a G30 and a J-frame snubby. (I'm a big guy, the weight isn't an issue, big thing is thickness for concealability).

Plinking with a single-action is fun.

Cocked and locked looks like a thrill in itself.

A 1911 stainless cocked and locked sure is aesthetically gorgeous.

Carry and utter reliability/long frame lifetime is the key. I won't be winning any IPSC with this (may participate someday but just for kicks).

Anyway, a dealer (Austin, TX) has a Kimber compact carry in stainless, for about $780 (I think, it was > 750 anyway). Does this sound about right?

What's the recoil like in one of these? Will I be able to follow up faster or slower than with a g30? (There aren't any small 1911s for me to test). Obviously the trigger is faster, what I'm after is your opinions on severity of flip.

I realize the "pro" carry has the full size grip; but I want to keep this <= size of G30 in every dimension (not counting beavertail), and thinner of course. Longer grips don't cut it.

Again, I don't know much about 1911s - does the comp. carry take a "standard" sized magazine, i.e. from an officer's model? Or is this a special kimber mag? Will I have any trouble getting a couple of extra good quality 7-rounders? Are mags for compacts as common as full-size?

My experience with reliability with my revolvers and Glock have been amazing (I still wonder what a "jam" is). I've seen some 1911s jam at IPSC matches - and I'm sure anyone can get a dud when they buy a new pistol - for anyone who's had trouble with a Kimber/1911, can a smith/manufacturer ultimately fix any reliability problems?

Is the Kimber Compact Carry basically a knockoff of the officer's model?

I'm not after a which is better - if I get the Kimber I will have both, and that each has at least some benefit over the other is self-evident. Indeed, I'm still deliberating over this (hefty) purchase - but I'll kick myself when the prices go up more. Any info you can give a 1911 novice on this topic, either talking me into or out of it, appreciated!!



New member
I just recently transitioned from a Glock 23 to 1911s for carry, so I can relate to what you're saying regarding jams :)

One of my recent purchases was a Springfield Champion stainless. Beautiful gun, lovely balance and weight...but a real jamamatic using plain old 230gr hardball. My smith assured me it was probably an easy fix, just requiring throating. I pick it up Tuesday.

I have three others (Kimber Poly/Stainless, AMT Government and Colt M1991A1 Compact) that function flawlessly. Currently I carry the Colt with 8 round MetalForm mags.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam

About the only reason a 1911 will ever have problems feeding hardball is the magazine lips--easily adjusted. Throating and polishing of the feed ramp area makes life better when using SWC.

When you see ISPC guys having malfunctions, it's often due to somebody messing with the gun who shoulda stayed with blacksmithing. Or the reloads shoulda been store-boughts.

I would expect a compact to have more muzzle flip than a full-sized gun, which would slow down ensuing shot-intervals. Or, double-taps would have a wider spread. Practice should keep this from being a problem.

Magazines should interchange.



New member
The kimber compact in blue usually goes for 589$ or less here in Ga. but may vary elswhere.
The kimber is a great gun and you wont be dissapointed .I have a Gold Match that is just plain and simple the best ive bought so far as accuracy goes.



New member
I hope someone can compare the recoil effect to the Glock model 30 (itself a compact, with 3.8" barrel).

I totally realize I'm not getting a long-slide "race gun" - someone let me try his out once - no recoil/flip at all!!



New member
"About the only reason a 1911 will ever have problems feeding hardball is the magazine lips--easily adjusted."

Can you expound on this? I used four different mags with my SA and had feed problems.

Battler: I don't have a M30...but flip with my 1911s is less than flip with my M23. Perhaps the extra weight?


New member
My local gunshop has a Kimber Compact AL SS (aluminum frame/stainless slide) for about the same price, so it seems reasonable.
The shorter frame will accept standard size mags, but they will stick out the bottom. The chopped frame requires a chopped mag for perfect fit. I'm saving for one of these, and plan to get about 4 short mags for carry use, but will use a standard size 8 rd mag as my spare. I've got a little bit of arthritis in my left hip, so carrying too much weight on my right hip aggravates it by pulling the belt into it. I want a lighter gun because of that, (I use a Colt 1991A1 all steel at present) but I feel that the shorter frame is less prone to print if you have to bend or stoop.

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center