Consider this (sniper musings)


New member
Could the sniper's affiliation to Al Qaeda be evidenced by what he hasn't done rather than what he has done?


The Connecticut Ave area of NW DC is very ethnic. There are people from all over the world there. There are many Arabs and many, many Africans. Most dress in traditional garb.

Also, the Baileys Crossroads/Seven Corners area is heavily Muslim. On of the largest Mosques in Northern VA in on RT. 7 halfway between the two crossroads areas. It serves a predominantly Palestinian flock with many other Muslims from the non-Arabian peninsula world (not Saudi). The Muslim residents there wear their traditional garb daily.

That the sniper has not shot anyone obviously Muslim speaks volumes to me of his (their) affiliation. I posit that the sniper is connected to Al Qaeda for this reason.
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New member
...or he's a Muslim that is in no way connected to Al Quaeda, and is just acting alone.


New member
Consider: The Connecticut Ave area of NW DC is very ethnic. There are people from all over the world there. There are many Arabs and many, many Africans. Most dress in traditional garb.
Maybe this is the reason he get away so easy! He live there or hides there.This guy or guys get away so easy thay must have a safe house or safe houses close buy.


New member
Or maybe the madman has decided that his hides cannot be located near Muslim neighborhoods?

How is one "obviously Muslim"? Lots of Bosnians around here that look like they were raised in the `burbs of Indy. The Black Muslims look like they work in office buildings downtown.

Maybe you have to be a patron of Southern Shoney's to tell a Muslim from a Methodist???:confused: How is one "obviously Lutheran"?


New member
Well, he's only shot 11 or so people.

I don't know what % of the locals dress in traditional Muslim garb, but I'd guess it's not that high.

He also hasn't shot anyone in a KKK uniform or any Girscouts, Hasidic(sp?) Jews etc, etc.

I don't think we can really gather much based on that.


New member
"traditional garb"? What's that?

For the Muslim around here that would be blue jeans and high-top basketball sneakers.

The sniper hasn't shot a lot of people. I can just see a complaint with the EEOC anyday now!:rolleyes:


New member
KSF, the neighborhoods I refered to are full of people wearing Muslim caps, djalabayas (thobe), gutras, kaftans, and other "Musilm" garb. In both nieghborhoods, the apparent marjority is traditional Muslim.


New member
How is one "obviously Lutheran"?
Blond, lives in MN, WI or MI,possibly IA.
Reddish skin as a a result of job mining ore somewhere in the MN Iron Range, very fond of low level community socialism, predominately Scandanavian background and frequent listener of NPR, particularly "Prairie Home Companion". I thought everyone knew that ;)