Congress mucks with Daylight Saving Time


Congress just extended Daylight Saving Time by 2 months.{7B215EB2-196A-4E03-AB43-01931499684A}

This is asinine. It's going to cause all sorts of international confusion.

It's a silly attempt to save energy, too. If people start working 10-6 instead of 9-5, the benefits (if there are any substantial benefits to start with) vanish. What prevents businesses from running 8-4 in the winter instead of 9-5? There are other ways to save electricity that don't involve tinkering with the ridiculous concept that is DST: using indirect fluorescent lighting instead of incandescent bulbs, replacing corporate CRT monitors with LCDs, and replacing high-speed desktop CPUs with low-power alternatives, to start with.

A better alternative might be to dispense with DST entirely and shift all timezones ahead an hour (effectively making DST permanent).


New member
Those dolts have nothing in the way of logic working inside their small minds. Whatever makes the most sense is probably the opposite of what Congress wants to do.


New member
It's a silly attempt to save energy, too. If people start working 10-6 instead of 9-5, the benefits (if there are any substantial benefits to start with) vanish
Well starting at 10 am does mean the Politician's have less time to "Control " other matters before their Martini Lunches . I mean maybe this is to allow them to see Property being confiscated in better light or something. oops.

Control. Plain and simple. Granted more pressing matters need to be addressed in Congress...but hey, DST is a easy one to "get out of the way".

Funny, growing up before all this DST and all folks got up early and worked until dark on farms, ranches, factories ....etc. just fine. Didn't need the Gubmint meddling with Private Folks or Business Folks. These folks adjusted their schedules to meet needs.

DST - I mean even I knew NY was an hour ahead, and CA two hours behind. I mean if I can figure out with all this "Global" community what is going on - anyone can. I can understand the IDL, this DST is not needed IMO.

Especially with more folks doing stuff Globally - they have folks to meet the time differences on staff most times anyway. Email, fax machines...can take care of orders and such.

Pretty simple to tell a person/ business in another time zone /country what your hours are, and what time it is. Pretty simple to let them know with Email and such that during the winter you change your hours to such and such.

Besides some businesses it don't mean beans. I worked in a hospital once, pulled the graveyard on weekends. All of us Hospital workers had shifts to work, ...heck the Surgeons,on call teams, and whatnot- they did what they did no matter the time or weather either.

Nope, just a waste of time, money, and another feather in the hat of control.


New member
The best quote ever about Congress came from President (former senator :eek: ) Truman. Something like: all they do is hold phoney investigations and generally upset the affairs of the nation. Not sure if he meant while he was in Congress.


New member
Hey, it's easier dealing with trivial BS than addressing real issues, right?

No daylight saving time is one of the things I like about living in Arizona.


I too don't favor making the change, although I am used to DST the way it is and would not like it to go away.

But it is interesting that the online article could say this:
Canadian critics of the adjustment argue children will be walking to school in darkness while drivers may face increased morning black ice, which hasn't melted in the sun.

and still those facts have not occurred to the people in charge of making this decision; or if they have, those people have said, "...Meh."

But wait a minute... "CANADIAN critics of the adjustment" say blah blah. The change is not going to be made in CANADA. It's a U.S. proposed law. Or does the U.S. Congress write law for Canada now?

The only way this would endanger Canadian schoolchildren or drivers would be if it passes in the U.S. and then Canada let itself feel obligated to match us!
