Congress Considering a National ID card


New member
I know that you guys most likely already know this but please read anyway.
Congress is currently considering a national ID card for "All Citizens" and "All Non-Citizens" A full profile including fingerprints will be on the card, which must be carried at all times.

OK, Big Brother is your representatives now and tell them only non-citizens should have to carry these cards.
You can read the story on World Net Daily page 2.

Don't wait them now!
thanks a lot


I know that a while ago there was talk of a national firearms card. I think the only way it would get support is if it afforded us a national CCW system and made the brady bill a thing of the past.


New member
This is just a push by those with an agenda using "fighting terrorism" as the Camel's Nose.

A trial balloon perhaps, but it looks like it would fly if you believe those sheeple polls.

A check at Thomas shows the only bills now proposed deal with SSNs, Handguns, Medical Privacy, etc. That doesn't mean you shouldn't call your critter and make this idea stillborn.

I don't even see this for non- or pending-citizens -- it just opens the door for future expansion.

Some years back, friends in California said that for about $100, you could go to Tiajuana and get a complete set of papers (SSN etc.) to make you passably legal. The ones pushing this law know that, but just like their gun laws, it's just a medium to get control.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
DarkAngel, shall I also report to have the tatoo put on my arm and start wearing a Yellow Star on all my clothes? I already carry the Card everywhere I go

Nanaimo Barr