Congrats! Maryland


New member
I cannot believe KKT lost. I didn't see that coming I tell ya. Good job Maryland folks. I can't stand KKT.

Chris(The displaced MD Boy)


New member
I'll second that vote. As a district resident, its good to see her go done. And go down hard.

A damn good showing all around.



New member
ONE DOWN many more to go, the war is far from over but today we have a victory!!! man it feels good ,!!!

we are taking it back if we have to a brick at a time!!!

Trapped in Maryland where the sun came out for the first time this morning in many many years!!!



New member
buh-bye KKT!

take yer assault weapon ban retoric
and drive it off the bay bridge
and PS...
ballistic fingerprint this!

who wants to replant the liberty tree in Annapolis this spring?

doc Zox


New member
I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest! Not only as a Marylander, but as a Republican!

I would also caution all of you to treat this victory as an event of Nov. 5th, and not to rest on these laurels. There are still many obstacles to overcome, and new threats have been added to the radar.


New member
I almost choked on my oatmeal this morning when I saw Erhlich won. I grew up in MD, decided to move to a "friendlier" climate. Hopefully this is a signal of changes to come in the OLd Line state. ;)


New member
Connie Morrella the queen of the MMM in congress lost too

so did Casper Taylor the Democratic Speaker of the MD house


New member
Congrats Maryland, you deserve it after the crap that Parris tried to pull on you the past several years.

Not only have you improved your own situation, you sent a powerful message about crossing the RKBA movement that even the Democrats will have a hard time not noticing.

I also don't think it is any surprise either that 2 of the 3 Republicans who lost elections (Morella included) were also F-rated by NRA.