Configuring ARs for different calibers


New member
Is it pretty easy to change out calibers for ARs from one caliber to another? Thinking about getting a .308 and .223 Wyld. Are uppers and mags basically the only thing that needs to be purchased? Thanks!


New member
Not for the .308 and .223, they use different uppers and lowers. The mag well on a .223 lower is not big enough for .308. Pistol calibers are fine, just swap out the upper(with the correct barrel of course) and the appropriate parts (buffer and bolt) and it should work fine. The pistol calibers use a mag block that fits in the mag well for .223 lowers and holds sten/uzi or other mags that were designed to hold pistol ammo. Other rifle ammo that has the same or smaller OAL as the .223 round will work in the .223 lowers.

Yes it can be done. There is some interesting imagery on Knight Armaments website about a modification they did to the M4 to allow it to use AK47 magazines and the 7.62x43mm Short round. I believe it was done in response to a UOR from Afghanistan, where SF soldiers were running out of 5.56mm during cave system assaults; their thinking was that they could continue to use a rifle they were familiar with, but easily take 30-rd AK magazines from the enemy.

It makes you ask this question, therefore; why not pick up an AK when you are low on ammunition and use it?