Condor/Lead Connection


New member
I just heard a blurb on my local radio station suggesting that the Karuk (sp?) Indian Tribe was researching the possibility of reintroducing the California condor into the Klamath River canyon where it hasn't been seen for ---?..

If I'm not mistaken, there are now areas in California where lead bullets are completely banned because of alleged condor ingestion/poisoning.

I'm thinking, "Oh boy, here we go.:(" How long will it be before the enterprising anti-younameit crowd introduces a lead bullet ban to include any possible areas that might be possible habitat for the condor, or the terradactyl for that matter?

Anyone have a better take, or more info than I do on this? jd


New member
That's actually one of the ways they were talking about reinstating the ban on concealed carry in national parks. Environmental hazard because of lead.

Of course, if it were really the case, I have to imagine much of Europe, particularly France would be completely uninhabitable from the millions of lead rounds fired there in WWII.


jd: We just beat that here in AZ a few months ago.

Be active with your Fish and Game department. Go to meetings. Bring your friends. Bring their friends. The Sierra Club types are using this as a test tactic to go after hunters. It's the next spotted owl.

One of the bird-ologists (I can't remember the proper term and I'm too lazy to look it up) I met at the AZGFD meeting for this confessed to me that these birds are doomed... He doesn't believe that it is bullet lead that is causing this. Their digestive systems are too fast to absorb lead bullet fragments, and their x-rays of birds are inconclusive WRT lead poisoning from bullet fragments.

He was out to save the birds, but he wasn't interested in stopping hunters from performing their functions in the food chain. Level headed guy.

Fight it, and bring your friends. Come with good arguments. Research. You'll win.