
Dog Confetti

New member
It concerns me deeply that "gun culture" is synonymous with a party line...I see a lot of knee-jerk reactions to legitimate statements/questions/issues that differ from the "conservative" lines on these pages...I see a lot of posts being shut down out of hand. If I love guns does that mean that I have to toe the line? It is our duty as citizens to stay informed, and that means more than tuning into the local talk radio, and make rational decisions...sometimes the welfare of our nation needs to take precedence over our convictions. An inability to reexamine and adjust your beliefs is not a positive attribute.


New member
I think that if you take some time, and read a lot of the posts here, you will find a surprisingly wide variety of different ideologies.


New member
No one needs to toe any party line. It is just that HOW MUCH you love guns will help you decide how to vote. IF one went into the polling place completely ignorant, and cast his votes strictly along party lines, chances are his entire list of selections would be 90-95% for OR against gun control - and chances are you know which way they would fall. Check any list of anti-gun bills, or anti-gun representatives, and 9 out of 10 atleast will be Democrats.

What should concern you is how does the party YOU align yourself with vote on this important issue. Their view on this one issue doesn't show just how they feel about guns - it shows how they feel about YOU - it's about trust (or lack of), and control (or lack of), respect (or lack of), and self-responsibility (or lack of). I take it personal when someone places me no higher then the worse criminals. It is insulting.

It is no wonder that many of us here who love guns, and all that the 2nd ammedment represents, tend to lean one specific way. And it isn't because of any lack of education.


New member
My old Academy Patrol Tactics instructor was a ghetto kid who had decided to make something of himself- and did. He had seen it all before he pinned on a badge.

He told us early on that we would see specific types of human behavior which absolutely defy analysis, from a logical, moral, or scientific perspective. He asked us if we would like to take a stab at trying to identify the cause.

We had a couple of psychology majors in the class, so it took about 30 minutes for those two alone to offer their considered opinion. The instructor finally got tired of it all and yelled-

"Bull****, people! It's just folks being folks! They've been like this since the first rockfight, they're still like this, and they're gonna BE like this. Don't let it make you crazy trying to figure it out. You'll be as screwed up as they are. Your job is to-

NOT get hurt,

IDENTIFY the criminal element,

THROW their asses in jail,

WRITE a coherent report about it all, and

STAY SANE enough to come back tomorrow, and do it all over again!"

Don't sweat it. It's just folks being folks. In this case, they can clean up their own messes.


New member
I have to agree with Markos.

I frequently advocate decriminalization of drugs here and am (or at first was) very surprised at how varied opinion from board members is on the subject.

Nearly every thread I've looked at that has been shut down has been either because the topic drifted way off, or because it had become an "is not!" "is too!" thread.

The moderators here do a pretty good job.