concealment FAIL


New member
I was wearing fairly worn jeans at work today and realized my pistol had worn right through them, since I was carrying a P3at with a belt clip it wasn't like it was a holster showing, it was the barrel itself sticking out, Glad I noticed before someone else did, I work for our family buisness and carry under the condition that none of the employees know.
anyone else had a similiar situation?


New member
My buddy has a Walther TPH "Skoal ring" in the front right pocket of most of his pants. Its pretty obvious, even if you dont know what your looking at. :)

As far as your wear through problem, iron on patches are your friend. I carry a Seecamp in a Smart Carry, and the upper edge of the slide wears a hole in my pants just below the belt where it contacts them. A piece of iron on patch in the right spot pretty much stops it.


New member
yeah a patch seems to like a good idea, like I say the jeans are old but this was the first hole except were my pocket knife sets.
oh also


New member
I got busted at Home Depot with a Kel Tec P11 loose in my back pocket many years ago. Someone noticed it's outline and the police were called. An officer was waiting for me outside the door and asked me if I had a gun in my pocket. Yes. Don't reach for it, which pocket? The officer unloaded my pistol, asked for my CCW & DL, returned my pistol & ammo to me, asked me to wait until I was out of the parking lot to reload and sent me on my way. The officer (Tampa Police Dept) was very calm and polite. Not a bad experience overall.


New member
While contracting as a linesman a few years ago a tree branch ripped my shirt as I was gaffing down a pole. It was near a busy street and a block from the police station at shift change. One of the police officers walked down there to have a talk with me seeing as how I was having to walk right past them to get back to my truck which was parked right in front of the station. I had a full sized custom 1911 in a belt holster on my hip and my shirt was covering it right before the tree branh ripped the lower half of my shirt off. He was nice ablut it and after I showed him my CHL he offered to go to my truck and get me my jacket while I stayed where people would not see my gun and pannick. He and a couple of the other cops that managed to walk up were oogling my 1911. After that I got a compact 45 and a tucable holster.


New member
On the road, I normally wear a black leather vest over top of whatever shirt, . . . 1911 at 3:00, IWB.

I got out of the old car the other day, . . . got that creepy feeling that all is not well, . . . sure enough, . . . wind or something caught the old vest, . . . up and over and behind the 1911. It was sticking out like a turtle without his shell. My hands were full at first, . . . got one emptied real quick.

Fortunately, . . . no one saw it, . . . but I was sure looking around to make sure, . . .

May God bless,

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Dwight, I had almost the exact same thing happen to me. The only difference was that I was wearing an untucked button up shirt instead of a vest. Scared me a bit. I keep the bottom button done up now, that keeps it in place.:)


New member
To minimize wind effect on vest...

... put something heavy in the front pockets; wind can still blow it around, but it takes a much stronger wind.

For un-tucked button-downs, I button them if the wind reaches the point where the shirt ruffles. I have also learned to button the bottom button when approaching office buildings or stores on hot days. When the door opens, and that cold, high density air-conditioned air comes blasting out... It may have been hot and stale in the parking lot, but you're almost guaranteed a strong breeze in the doorway.


New member
posted this one before:

i was riding on my sport bike, carrying sob. i stopped and got off the bike. a young guy came up to me and said something to the effect of: "yo gat is stickin out man"!

my jacket had flipped up over my gun.


New member
Man, you must be really poor, to let your clothes go like that.

Man, even if he is, who are you to judge. I only have one pair of jeans. I have other clothes, but that's what I usually wear, and yeah they are wearing. I don't get into the whole rich/poor thing, my parents are "rich" and I'm "poor", but people who knock others just because of their clothes bothers me. Perhaps he wants to pay his mortgage first or some other reason you don't know. Clothes aren't important. I wish I could just have one pair of good clothes to last me the rest of my life. But our society of materialism has placed so much value on image, that no one can really keep up.

Sorry for the rant, the comment just bugged me, and if I took it the way it wasn't meant, then it should have been worded differently.

Lost Sheep

New member
Where to put the patch

AK103K said:
As far as your wear through problem, iron on patches are your friend.
I suggest putting the patch on the inside of the clothing where it will take the wear instead of the actual clothes. Better yet, put on two or three. The greater thickness will reduce printing. Keep inspecting the patches, and as they wear, replace or reinforce them.

Put the patches on/in BEFORE your gun starts to wear the cloth.

The extra wear from things you brush up against will still be there, but with reduced printing, the outline will take much longer to become evident.

Lost Sheep


New member
Man, even if he is, who are you to judge. I only have one pair of jeans. I have other clothes, but that's what I usually wear, and yeah they are wearing. I don't get into the whole rich/poor thing, my parents are "rich" and I'm "poor", but people who knock others just because of their clothes bothers me. Perhaps he wants to pay his mortgage first or some other reason you don't know. Clothes aren't important. I wish I could just have one pair of good clothes to last me the rest of my life. But our society of materialism has placed so much value on image, that no one can really keep up.

Well said. I LOVE my old Jeans. They're ripped, faded and boy are they Comfy! I know I can't afford some new jeans. Some people just have to do with what they have LanceOregon.

LanceOregon, I assume you must not be up to date on the trends these days- people pay A LOT of money for a pair of brand-new jeans, faded and worn with rips and holes in them. :)

I was at Buffalo Wild Wings in the bar section one night in Vegas with a good friend. He CCs all the time and refused to wear a holster, I always gave him grief about it... He was wearing a slightly oversized t-shirt and a pair of "sport-type" shorts, with the elastic waistband. Well, we had a good time and went to leave and somehow his S&W.40 (forget the model...) slipped under the waistband and fell on the floor. The place was CROWDED, so no one heard it and no one was paying attention enough to see it. He casually picked it up, stuck it back in his pants and said, "Well, you ready?"- Like nothing happened! We got outside and he was shaking. The next day he went out and bought about 5 different styles of holsters. He said, "Well, i'll never let that happen again." I still give him grief about it. It was stupid on his part to refuse wearing a holster, but the outcome was good and he learned from it, even though he said he'd never had that happen in the 10 years he was carrying it like that. It only takes once!
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