concealing legal sized shotguns


New member
Here in Florida, it is legal to carry a firearm in your vehicle. With that in mind, has anyone been able to conceal a pistol grip shotgun inside a double cab pickup? Legal answers only.


New member
I can't remember the name of the company but a couple years back I was looking at an overhead storage rack made for longarms that bolts into the holes where your sun visors are, then your sun visors bolt into it. I think it would hold up to 2 long guns and kinda looks like a shelf. Doesn't impede your vision and is invisible from outside the vehicle. They had them to fit most major brands/models of truck and the pricing was in the 100-200 range I think.

I'll do some checking and if I can find the link to the company I'll report back.


In TX it is legal to carry a loaded long gun inside the passenger compartment of a vehicle. Given that DAs there ignore the law allowing non-licensed carry of a handgun, a pump shotgun seems like a good idea. Concealment in a vehicle really isn't a problem.


New member
what kind of truck is it? do you have bench seats or buckets? if its a bench what kind of back does it have?

the overhead rack seams like a good route but I have seen some of those that hung down alittle low for my taste. but then again I'm 6'2, a shorter person probly wouldn't mind.


New member
First, your statement is not totally correct.

You can carry a weapon in your car in Florida, but it can not be easily accessible unless you have a legally valid, state issued concealed carry permit.

This means that without a license, you can transport a weapon in your trunk, glove box if hostered or locked, etc. If you are pulled over for speeding and have an accessible weapon in plain sight you might be arrested for carrying without a permit.

If you have a concealed carry permit in Florida, you can carry a weapon on or about your person.


New member
If your pistol grip shotgun is not locked in a case, you are in jeopardy of being arrested for illegally carrying and or concelling the gun. Boca Raton.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
In TX it is legal to carry a loaded long gun inside the passenger compartment of a vehicle. Given that DAs there ignore the law allowing non-licensed carry of a handgun, a pump shotgun seems like a good idea. Concealment in a vehicle really isn't a problem.

Just a hint that San Antonio has a local ordinance against loaded long guns in the car. It is probably not in accord with the state but again (like the handgun situation) you might beat the charge AFTER you take the ride.

The law was designed for gang types who rode around with SKS rifles.