Concealing a handgun around the house.


New member
I would appreciate the cons on this idea.

The layout of my house is conducive to concealing a handgun in a heating duct with a cover that removes simply by pulling it free (no screws). It seems to be a good way to keep a handgun nearby without worrying about safes, and also allowing the handgun to not be detected by most thieves.

Dust might be a problem, but what about heat? The thermostat is kept at about 70 degrees.

The reason I came up with this is that I have misgivings about the in/under/behind the nightstand method because it is so obvious. If somebody gets into my house when I'm away, I'd rather they did not steal find my firearms. Also, I don't want to lock them away every time I leave. Nor do I want to keep them is a locking bedside-type safe all the time (no kids in the house, anyway).

Just a late night brainstorm. Thanks as always for the replies.


New member
I keep all my guns around the house in a locked safe. Why? Simple answer - grandchildren. I have tried to hide a number of things from them such as presents for them. Presents for my wife. Etc., etc., etc. My grandkids can find anything! The thought of one of them finding a firearm that I have stashed somewhere fills me with abject fear and, because of that, I don't do it. Have a bedside safe with a combination and that's as close as I come. FWIW.


New member
I agree with dairycreek, I also have kids and they
DO get into everything. I keep all my firearms locked
in my Gunsafe except for my wifes .45 HK compact which
is in a simplex portable gun safe with the push button
lock by the bed.
It works great and when the house is empty the pistol safe
goes into the big safe.
They only cost around $100.00 and are very portable.
I even use one in my truck.
You can NEVER be too safe when it comes to firearms.
I would not advise stashing it in the heater duct..
Safety 1st...


New member
Well actually dust is more your concern. You could seal it in a plastic bag with some desicant (Sp) to prevent moisture from hurting it and keep the dust out. As for 70 degrees, I keep my gun in my car a lot. Even the 100 degree Texas summers don't hurt it, so I doubt the vent would hurt. Not a bad idea, but the question should also be accessiblity. If it is long term storage to prevent careless theives from finding all your guns, then I would also say a safe is the best option. If it is for when you are away at work and you take it out at night, then I would have to sugguest finding a different way. If it doesn't have screws to hold it in, then it is a friction type holder. If you do this every day for a long time, eventually you will have to replace either the grill, or the pipe it fits into. Not to mention the obvious finger prints and wear around the vent. Maybe one of those phoney hollow books instead?


New member
Thanks for the replies,


I guess based on what you've said the vent idea won't work. The vent in question is right next to my bed, and would be a perfect spot to hide a pistol for emergencies. My thought was to keep it there all of the time (it's not my CCW), and be able to access it quickly if trouble arose. The benefit is that a thief might not look there. I just can't see how struggling with a plastic bag in the middle of the night is conducive to self-defense. I'll stick with the holster attached to the back of my nightstand, and continue to ferry the pistol to and from the safe between outings.

Thanks again,



New member
What is the purpose of concealing firearms about the house?

In my personal opinion, it is better to carry it on you. You can even open carry it if you prefer.

If you have kids to worry about, it would be a good idea to stick with a holster with level 2 retention or higher. Lock everything else up.

Of course, I find most firearms rather bulky and heavy for daily home carry. I prefer knives, but I digress.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Seasons Greeting's To All:

I don't particulary care for the use of a vent to conceal a
handgun because of the cost factor of modern day weaponary.
I just can't stand the thought's of my $700-$800 handguns
resting in a dirty ole' vent; I'm sorry!!!:D:) Like most
of my associates here at TFL, I take pride and great care
of my firearms; securing them away from children and other
individual's who don't understand how to use and protect fine equipment.:eek: Whose to say, if a home is so secure to
a "would be burglar-thief"; that he wouldn't take an ax
and chop his way into the roof?:rolleyes: Prison inmates
sit around all day and all night studying who the victim
of their next crime will be!!!:( Maybe, just maybe they
will target a legitimate gun owner's residence where perhaps
they will steal a gun and a car to committ various criminal
act's; before a LEO or a CCW licensed civilian sends them
to "meet the maker". That's why I keep ALL my firearms
close at hand; and I sleep with one eye open, and one eye

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

ohen cepel

New member
I have found it easy to wrap two finishing nails in 100MPH tape (protect finish on gun) and then tap them into almost anyplace I want to hang a pistol. One in the trigger guard and the other to hold the barrel at the correct angle.

This lets me put them anywhere I want them, readily accessible, and usually not anyplace a thief will be looking, kitchen cabinets, for instance.

Some will not like this idea and it has it's downsides but it works fine for me.


New member
The only time I don't carry my firearm with me is when I have to go to work. Yes, unfortunately, I'm not allowed (yet) to carry while on duty. So, ten hours a day, I'm unarmed. At least, gun wise....

As soon as I get home, I change clothes. The gun is kept on my hip with a Galco holster. Two Bianchi Speedstrips in the pocket.

When I'm gone, it stays in one of two places, for my wife to use if the need arises. The only other pistol in the house (.22 Browning Buckmark) is also kept in an accessible location, although different from my gun. Yes, we have one child, an 8 month old son. And when he starts getting anywhere near close to where they are kept, I'll move them to a more secure spot. Until he's old enough to learn, and once he's learned, it's back to the easier access.

Yeah, I know. Have to be safe around the kids. But I've decided that I would prefer my son to know that I have guns in the house, and where to find them and how to use them in case of emergency.

We don't get many visitors, and only one has a child (her sister's son, who is 4 years old). When they come over, if I'm home, the gun is in the holster on my belt, under a shirt. When I'm not at home, it is placed on a shelf high enough that even my wife needs a stepladder to reach it. My wife's sister knows that I carry constantly (work excepted, of course), and does not have a problem with it. provided, of course, that when her son and I want to wrestle and roughhouse, I first go into the bedroom and remove the firearm and holster, and place it in the high spot.

I've thought about hiding more firearms around the house, but haven't been able to come up with a good way to keep a kid from finding one. Those pistol safes are nice, but a bit expensive for me.

Any thoughts on the idea?


New member
Well, I actually LIKE the idea!

If you have a big enough vent (or small enough goodies) to hide them in the vent, then that's better than having a suboptimal safe.

The big PRO about the vent idea is "out of sight, out of mind". If the crackhead burgulars don't see it through their droopy bloodshot eyes, then they won't steal it.

BUT if they see a safe, they may come back next time with more equipment. Burgulars tend to rob the same cars and houses over and over because... they know you have insurance, and will replace all the stuff they stole with NEW STUFF. Sickening, isn't it?

Of course, if you have a save like Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD), they you don't need to worry abou that.

I've thought about the vent idea for my own house, but was worried about dust and condensation. Dust if I don't put the gun in a plastic bag. Condensation if I do. If I'm wrong about the condensation part, then I'd love to hear it, 'cause that's the only thing holding me back from this plan.

As far as kids finding it, just put a $12 Master trigger lock (or better yet, a Saf-T-Bloc lock) on it. Ta da. Problem solved.

Kentucky Rifle

New member

Please forgive me for the "indelicacy" of my post. However, I'd like to relate a small true story. My friend was in the bathroom, on the "pot". Suddenly a pistol with a hand attached came through the door. "Give me your wallet". My friend, sitting on the toilet with his pants down around his ankles, realizing his disadvantage, complied immediately. He never saw the thief's face, but heard laughter in the distance. His pistol was safely hidden behind a cieling tile where he couldn't reach it at the time. So, my point is, it's better to carry one in your pocket.

Kentucky Rifle