Concealed is Concealed


New member
I guess I'm doing something right.

For Christmas my step-daughter's boy friend got her a little Ruger LCP for Christmas. She brought it out so I could get her started shooting it.

After a while, I mentioned she should get a CT Laser sight to help her with her dry firing. To demonstrate I pulled my 642 out of my pocket to let her see the laser. Seeing the gun, her eyes popped open, mouth dropped and asked (when did you start carrying that). My 15 years granddaughter rolled her eyes in discuss, "Gawd Mom, he's always carried that as since I was a baby".

If a person you've been around dern near every day doesn't know, chances are strangers don't know either.

Concealed is Concealed.


New member
similar expirence

I dated my current girlfriend for almost six months before she noticed I was carrying. When we would come inside I wouls slip the revolver into my locked drawer by my nightstand. I can't believe she never noticed me staging it. Now we are going to shoot her first rifle tomorrow!!!



New member
I was open carrying in a grocery store on Christmas Eve, place was packed (should have expected that but didn't think about it), and the only person to notice was a young (7-9) kid who asked if it was a Smith & Wesson. I had the biggest grin on my face and told him it was. He said "My Dad has a Smith & Wesson" then proceeded to ask his dad to show me his. It was an older Bodyguard that he concealed IWB.


New member

I like the kid in the store story. Some day that young man will help protect our right to carry by being just like us.


Jim March

New member
Heh. By necessity I'm thoroughly "out of the gun closet". As a political activist in AZ I've attended a lot of court hearings with other activists and been forced to store my boomthing in the court's lockboxes. In full public view. Sigh.


New member
Discreet Carry for Two Years

When they shut down the mill because of the Spotted Owl, the NAFTA program sent us to get some book learnen'.

Carried a model 38 Bobyguard every day. I was legal then, but not now.

Had sense enough to keep my mouth shut.

What they don't know..............


New member
I carry a Glock 30SF IWB (double stack 45, pretty thick gun). I purchased some new shirts a few weeks ago and was "modeling" them for my wife. I had my pistol on... she said "put your arms up in the air and turned around 360." I did and she said "oh never mind you don't have the gun on..." but I did. Even when she thought it was there she didn't see it.