Concealed carry question re: moving


New member
Due to a job change, I'm soon due to move from the fine state of Mississippi to the (seemingly) equally fine state of West Virginia. The wife and I each have our MS carry permits, and WV is one of the states that honors a MS permit. Would this mean that, after our move, our MS permits remain valid until they expire and/or we successfully obtain the WV permits? I've not yet reached anyone in the Berkeley County Sheriff's office who can clarify this point. Anybody had a similar experience when moving to another state?


New member
yep, nc to tx. kept my nc dl til it expired so the ccw stayed valid. as soon as you get your dl, which you are supposed to do within like 2 months of your move, the ccw is no longer valid. that's what i was told

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm fairly certain that your permit is no longer valid as soon as your legal residence changes. The DL is a technicality, it does not define your legal residence.


New member
Where ya movin to in WV?? Maybe we can hook up shooting at our private range.... WV is one of the most lax states I believe for carry permits.


New member
I'm fairly certain that your permit is no longer valid as soon as your legal residence changes

This is pretty much what most states require. You establish residency and you better get a new concealed weapons permit pronto!! My state, Oregon, can be particularly adamant on this point. Don't rely on your "old" permit to do anything for you. Get the new permit right away.


New member
Appreciate the info. We'll definitely be applying for the WV permits right away. (We'll be in Martinsburg, WV, if anyone here knows where that is.)


I'm fairly certain that your permit is no longer valid as soon as your legal residence changes
This is probably on the right track although I suspect there's a short grace period--I'd check with the WV issuing authority to find out how long that grace period, if it exists, is.

Tony C

New member

In Oregon even moving within the state you only have 30 days to get a changed CHL license issued by your current residence county, so though each area has their own laws, I would guess that you would not be covered in the long-term by your MS permit in WV. If you call the WV States Attorneys General office they can give you the specific info you need.

Best of luck in the move,
Tony C.
NW Oregon


This is probably on the right track although I suspect there's a short grace period--I'd check with the WV issuing authority to find out how long that grace period, if it exists, is.

I would think the grace period would be how ever long you have to live there to become a resident. Just a guess, but I'm sure you would have plenty of time to get one for WV.


New member
Hi, Berkeley Co Sheriffs Office for Concealed Pistol/Revolver License is (was) on King St. in Downtown Martinsburg, Wv ( bring dimes and nickles for the parking meters ). But the Application can be downloaded on-line . Not sure, but I believe You may have to establish residency for 6 months before applying for the License, but the Berkeley Co Sheriff's Office should be able to answer that ? You present license would be invalid the day You give up residency in Your present State I believe . I live in Martinsburg and this area has grown more in the last decade, than in all the time since the Civil War LOL ! The Weather is usually nice year round ( but right now there is 16" of snow in My backyard ) . Downtown Martinsburg is a Ghost town really as most commerce has moved to The Mall, The Commons or Edwin Miller Blvd. . Also the new Wal-Mart complex in Spring Mills off I-81 exit 20. Plus Charlestown Race and Slots was just approved for Table Games so Pokers coming to the area which I can't wait for. Throw a rock in Berkeley County and You'll hit a church or gentlemen's club .........WVleo


New member
TN requires that you change your address in their database within 30 days of moving within the state. It can be done online and does not mean you have to get a new permit. My physical permit still has my old address but I got a new DL and have a cert printed off the web that states my current address.

I got pulled over for speeding (no ticket :) ), handed the officer both my DL and HCP, and he didn't ask any questions about it.


New member
I recently changed adresses in Virginia and was surprised that I didn't need to get a new permit with the new address. According to the state police "you may request a replacement permit if you wish." I'll end up doing it at somepoint, Virginia's permits look and feel like junk, I'm fine inside the state but would worry about using it anywhere else with an address that didn't match my DL. They're so poorly made that it looks like an elementary school student tried to forge one, just a thin paper card (not even business card quality) with poorly done black ink. No photo, no lamination (DIY).
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West Virginia statute:

§61-7-6a. Reciprocity; out-of-state concealed handgun permits.
(a) A holder of a valid out-of-state permit or license to carry a concealed handgun, as issued by another state with which the State of West Virginia has executed a reciprocity agreement, shall be recognized as valid in this state, if the following conditions are met:

(1) The permit or license holder is 21 years or older;

(2) The permit or license is in his or her immediate possession;

(3) The permit or license holder is not a resident of the State of West Virginia; and,

Once you become a resident of West Virginia, your out of state CCW permit is no longer valid.

§61-7-4. License to carry deadly weapons; how obtained.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (h) of this section, any person desiring to obtain a state license to carry a concealed deadly weapon shall apply to the sheriff of his or her county for the license, and shall pay to the sheriff, at the time of application, a fee of $75, of which $15 of that amount shall be deposited in the Courthouse Facilities Improvement Fund created by section six, article twenty-six, chapter twenty-nine of this code. Concealed weapons permits may only be issued for pistols or revolvers. Each applicant shall file with the sheriff, a complete application, as prepared by the Superintendent of the West Virginia State Police, in writing, duly verified, which sets forth only the following licensing requirements:

(1) The applicant's full name, date of birth, social security number and a description of the applicant's physical features;

(2) That, on the date the application is made, the applicant is a bona fide resident of this state and of the county in which the application is made and has a valid driver's license or other state-issued photo identification showing the residence;

According to the statute, the only residence requirement is a driver's license.



New member
Quincunx Hi, also don't buy any new vehicles unless there is no sales tax in the state You make the purchase, because in order to register a out of state vehicle You need to pay the sales tax on it's value ( even if paid at time of purchase ) . Good to know there is no residency requirement also. I need to renew Mine by March 2010 ( best to file renewal 45 days before it expires ) . Wecome to Martinsburg.......WVleo
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