Concealed Carry Options ( LCP )


New member
So now I'm carrying LCP in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster. I've ran plenty of ammo through this gun to assure reliability with several types of ammo. FWIW, I haven't had any kind of failure with any brand of ammo...after maybe 3-400 rounds (which I feel is sufficient.) I like to carry daily, but now that it's warm out (last summer I didn't daily carry), I'm finding it a little burdensome. I wear slacks and a tie daily, and with the thin material that dress pants are made up of, even the LCP seems bulky. That may seem strange, but I'm the kind of guy who takes his credit card and license out of his wallet to keep from having bulky pockets.

1. Is there some way to IWB carry the LCP while wearing shirt and tie (w/o a jacket)? I do have a Galco IWB holster for elsie while wearing shorts and t-shirt...
2. If I'm going to go IWB, should I go to a bigger gun? EMP, 642...?
3. Do I just have to wear a jacket everywhere?


New member
I use an Uncle Mike's for front pocket carry of my LCP (cargo shorts) and a DeSantis Trickster for back pocket carry (jeans and dress pants - flat side out, barrel pointing down), and it's positioned well for a right hander in my right back pocket. Looks just like a second wallet. I actually prefer the back pocket carry to keep it out of the way.

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New member
I've attached a Kel-Tec pocket clip for a P3AT to my LCP, which allows me to carry it IWB w/o a cover garment even in formal clothes. Still shoots fine.


New member
I love the Desantis Superfly. Have one for my LCP, and one for my PM9. Excellent material stays in place in your pocket.


New member
Another suggestion for you to look at.
I picked up one of their tuckable leather holsters in the 22-25 size at a local gun show yesterday for $14. I have been carrying my LCP in it since, and it has been comfortable. Last night with a sport shirt tucked in with a little "blousing" over the belt at the clip. Today with a T-shirt tucked in. No printing with only minimal showing of the clip.
Just another option.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Get rid of the holster, and put the gun in your pocket. Never, ever put anything in the pocket with the gun. It's perfectly safe.


New member
Get rid of the holster, and put the gun in your pocket. Never, ever put anything in the pocket with the gun. It's perfectly safe.

Could not disagree More! The safety part might be OK, but with a holster like the DeSantis Nemesis or Superfly The gun stays in an upright position. The holster is made with a material on the outside that holds it in place in your pocket, while the inside is a smooth material for easy draw.
Just thrown in your pocket, the gun can turn around in any direction, sideways, upside down, or whatever making a proper hold when you draw impossible.
I agree on putting nothing else in the same pocket as the firearm though.


New member
Get rid of the holster, and put the gun in your pocket. Never, ever put anything in the pocket with the gun. It's perfectly safe.

I would never recommend this method of carry. You have no way of ensuring that you'll be grabbing the grip, and that you're not touching the trigger without the gun being properly oriented, especially in a tense moment.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Interesting. I have been carrying a P32 this way for 12 years! It orients properly in my pocket, and I'm familiar with how pocket holsters work.
Try it, you might like it.


New member
I would never recommend this method of carry. You have no way of ensuring that you'll be grabbing the grip, and that you're not touching the trigger without the gun being properly oriented, especially in a tense moment.

I too wouldn't advise carrying any gun without a holster for the reasons mentioned.


New member
some alternatives to front pocket carry

Here is a review of the Talon Training group product(s) that I purchased for my LCP. Generous pics. I'm pleased with the quality of the holsters. To date, I've carried it more often in the wallet holster, but the couple of times I've worn it in the IWB, I've found that it is very comfortable.


New member
That Talon "wallet" holster might be just the trick for carrying in the back pocket. I did this with the DeSantis Super Fly. The Talon looks a little thinner.

I guess we have to go back to the idea that carrying a gun isn't always comfortable. But, I don't think it's more lightweight, more easily concealed or more comfortable than the LCP/Keltec mouseguns.

I tried carrying the LCP IWB once or twice and it just didn't work. There's not enough gun to keep the thing secured in the waistband while having enough of the grip out to get a hold of when drawing.

I think if you're having trouble concealing an LCP, going bigger IWB in the summer isn't the way to go. You could try a J-frame, though. This is the EDC route I went, but it was only because I couldn't find .380 for less than an arm and a leg (and I couldn't shoot the LCP well).


New member
Does anyone have a "real world" photo of how these ankle holster look with one of the small .380s in it? That is, if you pull your pants leg up a bit, how does it look and feel? Are they secure for brisk-paced walking? In the acecase web site they show a piece of nylon running up to.... what? Is there a hidden attachment point either to the waist, around the upper part of the calf or what?

Thank you.


New member

Well, here's another opinion for you.

First, I live in S.E. Ga where in the summers (as in today) the heat/humidity is worse than the 7 depths of hell.. I believe the forecast today is for 95 degrees with a heat index of 105.

I'm an old fart, been carrying concealed (legally) for over 44 years. A few things about doing so that I've learned in those decades (in Ga.) as I meander into complete senility are these:

During the summer when you absolutely want to wear the minimum clothing NO belt holster, or IWB holster, MOB holster, nor ankle holster is worth a poot. To ME...

I have a drawer full of used holsters of these types to remind me of that fact.

I have come to the conclusion that the remaining options, or the remaining options that I care to use are the front pocket holster, or the rear pocket (wallet style) holster.

Even these are useless for a larger weapon (9/39/45ACP), but if you are talking concealed carry for a mousegun, either will do a good job, just depending on which appeals, or works best for you.

I have never warmed up to a front pocket holster, even tho I've a couple of those in the aforementioned "old holster drawer", but that's just me. Apparently these work well for many folks.

The past few years I have found that the rear pocket (wallet style) holster is my cc holster of choice for my mouseguns.

I would recommend you buy a good quality rear pocket (wallet style) leather holster.. I use a Hedley for my Seecamp, and an Uncle Georges for my LCP w/CT laser on it. Both work perfectly, and offer what I personally consider to be about the best method to cc a small pistol in the climate in which I must suffer.

There are many quality holstermakers making these rear pocket holsters.. Several are members of the Seecamp forum ( and will make you a quality leather holster at a fair price. Check around and there are other manufacturers all over the place who I'm sure make fine products also.

All you need, imo, is a quality leather, rear pocket holster.. You want one with the flexible rear (anti-print) flap. You simply slide your gun hand between the flexible flap and withdraw your firearm.. Easier to do than to explain. SOME holster makers make such a holster with a removable anti-print flap offering you a dual holster that an be used without the flap as a front pocket holster. I don't personally care for those, but some do.

It has been my experience over my almost "three score and ten" years that anytime a product is made that can do more than one thing something is compromised from what it was originally designed to do, but in this particular situation that might not be true.

In the rear pocket holster IF you are ever confronted in a situation where you are required, under duress, to give up your wallet you have the option of giving up your wallet, or pulling your weapon instead.

I'm a big believer in not shooting anyone, or if possible, not getting shot by anyone over the contents of my wallet.. IF I think the threat will take my wallet and leave me healthy I'll give it up every time.

But for those times when that little voice inside your head tells you the threat has intentions to harm you, no matter whether or not you voluntarily are willing to give him/her/them what they demand, then having the OPTION to pull your cc weapon is a pretty big deal.

You can pull your weapon from a rear pocket much easier than any other style holster I've seen or owned, and I believe in it enough that every time I put my wallet in my right back pocket, my pistol, in it's pocket holster, goes in my left back pocket. (I'm a lefty).

Or, here's my wallet, or here's my pistol....;)

Please keep in mind this is just one old farts opinion, and I offer it to you to consider or ignore as you choose.

I know what works for me, and don't see why it wouldn't work for you.

Before I quit offering old fart wisdom I'll add this comment, which I'm sure will bring me "incoming" from those who will disagree.

I think the "ankle" holster is absolutely worthless under the conditions, and situation I'm commenting on.

For those who think I'm full of bull, please give it a try using both type holsters. If I'm ever confronted I don't want to have to bend over (period), and pull my pants leg up to access my self defense weapon.

But I'm old... And opinionated... And facts never sway me.

Best Wishes in whatever holster style you find suits you.


P.S. And no offense to those who will disagree. :)




Laserlips thanks - I think there is a lot of wisdom in your post, a sometimes rare commodity. I think the Kel-Tec P32 clip was an efficient carry option for a little pistol, I liked it a lot; but I was never able to achieve acceptable reliability with my P32 so moved on to an LCP (works 100%). I loved the little KT 32 when it worked. Listen up Ruger, make an LCP 32 with a carry clip. Right now I use the rear pocket holster for LCP. Sometimes when that is too much and I still want a gun, I go with an NAA 22 mag mini-revolver. It's not a bear gun, but still a big suprise for bad things.
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New member
I'm in a strange place with all of this still. I can't view the ACECASE link while I'm @ work, so I'll have to check into it later on. I'm not interested in ankle carry either, as I would like to carry something consistently in the same place, and I often wear shorts with sandals in the summer. My dad carries LCP in his back pocket, and loves it. Thing is, he has bigger pockets than I do, and mine sticks out of the back pocket when I try it. I'm interested in a tuckable IWB, I guess...just haven't found the right one. For the time being, I will stick to front pocket carry w/ Uncle Mikes size 2.

On a side note, I shot a mag through the LCP yesterday while I was dialing my .204 in, one handed relatively rapid fire @ 7 yards or so. Still flawless.

Evyl Robot

New member
You could get a holster that's purpose-built for your LCP to carry either in your pants pocket or as a tuckable IWB...

That's what I would do anyway. :D