Concealed carry of fireams. ;)


New member
Dumb video showing how baggy clothes "can be helpfull in concealing firearms".... in an over the top kind of way.

Ofcourse the entire video is totally stupid, and made for propaganda purposes by anti-gun people, but it's still kind of funny. Nice to know how to conceal a shotgun, and at the same time, you get to walk like a man with a wooden leg, who have crapped his pants.


New member
Hey... Thats exactly what I carry! You've got to have back-ups for your back-ups. It is a bit uncomfortable though! :eek: :p :D


New member
i believe that this is the third time i have seen that clip on TFL. its very misleading. he could not walk with all of those guns without them falling out of his waist band and he could not bend his leg very well with that shot gun down there either.


New member
While I agree it's "over the top"...especially with the shotgun, it does dramatically illustrate a potential hazard when dealing with people dressed in baggy clothes or "gangsta" style.

K-12 schools are not bastions of freedom & democracy. At best they should be benevolent monarchies dedicated to educating and disciplining children for the real world. Alas, what we get is a totalitarian breaucracy more interested in covering its liability and deficiencies and promoting political- correctness than in educating our children.

About 20 years ago a local reporter aired a story about 2" guns being "easily concealed". After contacting her I showed up at the station for an appointment with her & her cameraman. I dressed in a suit. I handed her a 2" Charter Arms .38 which had a cracked cylinder and no firing pin (used as a training aid). I challenged her to hide it on her person and then walk back into the room for us to see where it was and asked the camera gun to roll tape. Yup. She took about 8 steps into the room and it slid down her pants leg. Second try it fell out of her waistband (I love elastic waists on women's clothes). Her cameraman tried it and we easily spotted it under his shirt. Then I had them put the camera on me, dressed in suit and acting normally. I pulled out a S&W 9mm, a Colt .45 Gov't, a 4" Model 65, a 4" Model 57 and lastly a 6.5" Model 25. I asked if they had realized I'd been not only carrying, but carrying 5 guns. No clue. I explained and demonstrated that the Colt Gov't was as easy or easier to carry than the snubbie. And that the proposed law that was being discussed wouldn't stop illegal carrying because it happens all the time - all we'd be doing is arming the lazy criminals with more effective guns.

Did any of this ever make the 11 o'clock news?
Don't be silly. This is Kalifornia.