Concealed carry in California


New member
This guy gets a gun permit just so he can write about the experience.
Although gun-rights people will always try to tell you it is hard to get a gun and almost impossible to get a concealed carry permit in California, I personally found it almost ridiculously easy. You pick up an application at the Sheriff's Office (not to be confused with the city police--see sidebar, page 18), fill it out, and then take it and your gun to one of the designated shooting ranges to complete your test. I chose the Rod & Gun Club because it was cheaper.


New member
figures, and somebody that actually deserves a permit is SOL.:barf:

I sure wish it was as easy as he says to get a carry permit in California....I sure would have one.


New member
While I don't deny this guy the right to carry, I question his maturity to do so, as evidenced by these comments...
I was more worried about getting shot by an overanxious cop, or "accidentally" shooting someone who shouldn't have pissed me off.
So tell me: what good is carrying a gun around when some suburban runt gets to call you an XXXhole and all you can do is pretend you didn't hear him?
Maybe what those people need to ask themselves is; "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do you, punk?

grey sky

New member
I find it interesting this fellas social life revolves around taking drugs and drinking.By his own admission near the end of the article.

How he qualifies for a permit is easy. He is a member of the media therfore a supper citizen far more entitled to "special privilages" than the unwashed masses.


New member
Different counties operate under different rules. That's how may-issue works in the PRK. Some counties have almost shall-issue policies. In Los Angles you just need to be a celebrity (peons need not apply). In at least one county hefty donations to the sheriffs reelection campaign are said to ease the process considerably. A large enough donation may earn a special reserve deputy badge (at least 3 counties). A really large flow of money might even get you appointed assistant sheriff.

Then there are the counties that will not issue no matter how documented the threat. Of course exceptions are made for an applicant that is politically connected or especially powerful.,,11069-2078848,00.html