Concealed Carry holder saves life

Uncle Buck

New member
Of course it will not make anything but the local news. How is this news worthy? A guy with a gun does not shoot and kill someone.

I post a lot of these stories on my facebook page. I have some very anti-gun fanatics on my friends list. Sometimes it is fun posting facts and figures instead of emotion. :)


New member
No shots fired make it a statistical nothing. Wont make any news wont "count" as a reason to allow CCW

SIGH... Im so tired of this system
The article doesn't say the gun owner saved the manager's life. It reads as if the assailant was fleeing and the armed citizen pursued and stopped him.

Of course, the article could hardly have been written more badly.

Authorities said at around 10 a.m. Lamont Williams, 29, of Lumberton walked into Keith's Superstore on Highway 11 near downtown Lumberton and walked behind the counter and stabbed the manager five or six times. The stab wounds were to the neck, chest, and arm. Authorities said Williams is a former disgruntled employee who had apparently had problems with the manager in the past.

So, if the assailant is a former disgruntled employee, that means he is not now a disgruntled employee. So is he now
  • No longer an employee?
  • No longer disgruntled?
  • No longer an employee or disgruntled?
  • Over his past problems with the manager?


So, if the assailant is a former disgruntled employee, that means he is not now a disgruntled employee. So is he now
No longer an employee?
No longer disgruntled?
No longer an employee or disgruntled?
Over his past problems with the manager

Ya see what happens when they give news reporting jobs to people with a degree in scribbling in their journals? THIS.