Conceal your weapon!


New member
Just needed to tell this story...and there's at least one thing that I learned from it that I'll share.

I've had a concealed carry permit for about five years now. My first carry weapon was a Bersa 380 and I really liked it. I work at a bank though, so it's understandable that I can't carry it into work with me. So, for the longest time I would lock my gun in my glove compartment, leaving it in my locked car in the parking deck.

That is, until about three years ago when my car along with a sting of others, was broken into, and my glove compartment crowbar'd open...the gun, gone. First note... record all of your guns' serial numbers and keep them in a safe (and private) place...which I had done, and then after immediately reporting the theft, where they came and finger-printed me, and dusted the car, I went home and called in the serial number of my gun. The police though, weren't very optimistic that I'd ever see that gun again.

Until a few days ago when I got a call from a police detective. My gun had been recovered from the scene of a drug related double-homicide. Fortunately, it appears that my gun was in the possession of one of the victims, and had not been used, at least in this incident. Now there will be ballistics tests and checks for matches against unknown 380 rounds spent elsewhere at God knows what other crime scenes. And months where my gun will live in an evidence bag... until eventually, I'm told, it will be returned to me.

The primary lesson here for me is now obvious... a locked glove compartment is about the most stupid place there is to secure a gun in your car. A locked glove compartment pretty much tells a thief that there must be something inside worth stealing.

I now stash my carry gun inside a pouch I've sewn in the back of the front passenger seat. I split the seam on the back left side of the seat, sewed in a heavy cloth pouch, and sealed the slit opening with Velcro.

One tends to go into over-kill when one's been violated.


New member
work at a bank though, so it's understandable that I can't carry it into work with me

what!?! Thats hardly understandable. I would think that would be the first person in a bank to be permitted to have a gun-the employees. I mean....ARHAHGHG *head pops off* its the same old, "telling the bad guys they have no opposition" thing. meh

Anyways, as far as the pouch in the seat...thats not a bad idear. I might do that too, because through a bunch of technicallities, I am not permitted to have my gun in work either because it is mildly affiliated with Penn State University. grr

Dusty Miller

New member
I think the smartest thing one can do is to get one of those steel gun vaults and bolt it to the floor of the vehicle, put a blanket over it and then DON'T put your gun in it!! If the criminal comes equipped and manages to rip it out of your auto then he'll haul it off to open it someplace else and you'll collect from the insurance company but your gun will not end up being used in a crime (i.e., no civil lawsuit).


New member
Not really. Is there a metal detector and armed gestapo at the door or something?

Well I try to do my best to abide by my state's laws. If for no other reason, for fear of getting caught.

"A permit does not authorize a person to carry a concealed handgun in a place prohibited by federal law, a law enforcement or correctional facility, a building housing only state, federal or government offices, a financial institution, or any other premises where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises."

the possum

New member
from my interpretation, it sounds like your permit does not authorize you to carry in a bank. It does not prohibit it. So if you did carry, you might get fired for running afoul of company policy, (well, for all I know they would have let you carry it) but not charged with a crime. Oh well, no point now.


New member
I like your thinking, Dusty. Nothing like making a thief work hard, only to get nothing out of it. So, how about putting an explosive dye pack inside (remember I work at a bank). That way the thief will have something, at least to remember.

As far as the permit goes, Possum, you may be right, I may not get busted, but would most likely get fired... But hey, I got a cushy, good paying job. Don't wanna mess with that. Time to do a little more studying of the CCW laws in my state. Maybe check out as well.