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New member
Am I the only one that heard about a compromise?? They just want to do universal background checks, unrealistic, but it will end he madness! What do you all know about this?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Am I the only one that heard about a compromise?? They just want to do universal background checks, unrealistic, but it will end he madness! What do you all know about this?

Naive in the extreme.

The 1934 NFA didn't end the madness.

The 1968 GCA didn't end the madness.

The 1994 AWB didn't end the madness.

Cities and entire states that deny basic ownership rights don't end the madness.

Magazine limits didn't end the madness.

Entire lists of "Approved" and Unapproved" guns didn't end the madness.

We've already been compromised more than enough.

"Compromise" is a word that they use to get you to take one more step down the slope.
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