Compiling CCL list

The only reason anyone (other than the government) compiles a database of names and addresses is to use it for commerce. If the newspaper doesn't plan to publish it, it's a fair bet they plan to sell it. Such a database could be useful for pro-gun companies looking for targeted marketing ... or it could be useful to anti-gun groups who wish to target and harass lawful gun owners.

Spats McGee

A "national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers" compiles a huge list that it "doesn't intend to publish?" I have to wave the hogwash flag.

It may sell the list first, but my money says someone has his eye on eventual publication. If they think it will sell newspapers, they'll publish it.


New member
Don't know how that's going to work in a state like Wyoming where its illegal to publish or make public CCW permit holders.
I saw an update in which a spokesperson for the chain said the original report was erroneous. They had discussed internally the idea of compiling such a database but they decided NOT to do it.

That's their story now. The lingering question is: Did they really discuss it and decided not to do it? Did they actually decide to do it and then chicken out when word was leaked? Or are they saying they decided not to do it while still planning to do it ... once the furor dies down?


New member
Would have loved to have been 'a fly on the wall' during some of these internal discussions and know the exact reason for the suggestion in the first place.

May be wrong but I just don't think that an article in a newspaper chain as big as this one about what a surge in the CCL community there has been would be considered a 'news flash' or even 'news worthy' enough to invest the time and money it would take to compile the list. Isn't it pretty much common knowledge that CCL holders are increasing every year?

But I also did not think of the possibility of the newspaper chain selling this type of list making money on it either as suggested by Aguilla Blanca .

Since the gubment already knows the tally on CCL owners and this newspaper claimed that once compiled, they were never going to publish the list (which is hard to believe) what would be some of the other reason's for compiling such a list?


New member
They might have gotten wind of the what happened to the editors and staff of other newspapers who published this kind of info.
They found their own personal info made public.
They would not need a database to tally up the raw number of permits by state. That information is probably available by making a simple phone call to whatever agency in each state issues the permits. In my home state, state statute forbids releasing the names of permit holders. However, the state police can and will tell anyone who calls how many permits have been issued. I obtained the number for my town just last week, to use as a talking point in addressing the town council about changing a local law. I didn't even have to submit an FOI request. Just made a phone call.

So ... if they actually considered compiling a database, there had to be some projected use for the information to be contained therein. Either they WERE going to publish it (in some form or other, printed or on-line) ... or they were going to sell it. My guess still leans toward sell. It's common knowledge that printed newspapers are struggling to retain relevancy in the on-line age, and they are looking for ways to replace income lost due to declining subscriptions and shrinking advertising revenue. Collecting data in the name of "journalism" and then selling said data would seem a natural (if perhaps ethically questionable) tactic.


New member
That information is probably available by making a simple phone call to whatever agency in each state issues the permits.

You're right AB. You can actually do a search and get fairly recent data about the numbers of CCL owners per state. And can also get the numbers for consecutive years.

Since that info is already readily accessible to anyone that wants it, that would negate the notion that this or any other organization needs names, addresses etc to compile a list to show an increase in CCL permits.

Unless anyone else can think of a reason for compiling such a list other than for selling it, guess that will have to do.


New member
I don't think the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders are public information in Minnesota.

If my state (or ANY state) decides to make personal concealed carry information (names and addresses) public I would have a problem with it.

They don't do this with drivers licenses or automobile registrations do they? I'm asking here, I really don't know if they do or not.

I should add that I realize hackers can get the information or it can be bought illegally from people that work in the state agencies but for this thread I'm wondering if it is legally available to anyone that wants it.