Comparison on two 1911 .45`s


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I would like to hear your opinions about the performance and reliability of the Smith & Wesson SW1911 Series .45 semi-auto`s. Also the performance and reliability of the Springfield Loaded Full Size .45 semi-auto`s.
I am considering on buying a 1911 style .45 this year, and I think it will be between these two.


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I haven't shot a S&W, but S&W owners seem to be very happy with their pistols and enjoy shooting them from everything I've read. Although they have an external extractor, that doesn't seem to have any negative impact on the S&Ws (compared to the reports of Kimbers with external extractors having issues). But, that's all hearsay so take it with a grain of salt. The S&Ws look like fine pistols.

I own a Springfield Loaded Trophy Match and I have around 500 rounds through it with no issues. I love shooting it and it is very accurate. :D

I don't think you can go wrong with either a S&W or Springfield. I think you should buy whichever is equipped the way you want for the price you want.


New member
I think both are fine guns. I don't own either, but I have shot both and looked at both before buying another Colt.

I liked the Springer Loaded better. The Springer had the original style extractor, and didnt have the firing pin safety system that the Smith had. The Springer also didnt have the "safety warning" stamped into the frame.


For me, both guns shot great. But the Springer was closer to the original, looked better, and had less moving parts to fail.

After I was done looking...I went another $100 and got the Colt XSE, but I'm not hijacking.


New member
I have a S&W 1911Sc and love the gun. After I bought it I found that some people had some manufacturing issues. I immediately checked my gun and found that mine had these also...

1) A burr on the left side of the frame that if big enough can hit against the barrel causing some peening marks. Mine was there but small and filed off very easily. More information about that here...

2) A small shelf on the left side of the breech face that leaves a mark on the headstamp of your fired brass. This one bothers me a little bit since I reload. I also read that S&W is not fixing this problem under warranty claiming does not effect the operation of the gun. It sure marks up my brass though. A little about that with a picture here...

You also need to check that the gun you buy has a smooth barrel crown as some have complained about rough burred up crowns. Mine does not look that particularly smooth.

Smith and Wesson will fix problems 1 and 3 if you send the gun back in which I have not, however problem 2 they say is cosmetic. I may fight with them on that one someday. And really problem 1 you can easily fix yourself.


New member
2) A small shelf on the left side of the breech face that leaves a mark on the headstamp of your fired brass. This one bothers me a little bit since I reload. I also read that S&W is not fixing this problem under warranty claiming does not effect the operation of the gun. It sure marks up my brass though. A little about that with a picture here...

Does this mark on the left on the brass effect the rim and primer pockets of the brass?


New member
I came to this same choice when buying my fullsize 1911. Since I couldn't fire either one, I checked them both in the gunstore, took them apart checked fit and finish and trigger pull. Finally it was no contest the SW was the better, after 1000+ Rds I still love it. The trigger was much smoother on the Smith. Slide to frame fit was also much more precise. I consider this as well made gun as any in my collection which includes a P7.


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I've had the opportunity to fire the Smith and found it to be accurate and reliable, I own the loaded springfield and also find it to be accurate and reliable, guess it's personal bias, I would go for the Springer.


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Well, it looks like both guns are getting equal criticism, so I think the best thing for me to do is ask my local dealer if he could get both guns in his store, so I can make a decision on wich one to buy. Thank you for your comments. Any one else want to give an opinion, I would like to hear it. :)


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Blackhorse said:
I own the loaded springfield and ... find it to be accurate and reliable...
I've owned a Springfield Loaded for several years now and have found the same. Can't speak to the S&W, since I've not owned one.


New member
They are both nice guns, but only one comes with a lifetime factory warranty to the original owner (Springfield).


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Sprinfield by a longshot. Internal extractor, and no firing pin safety make the Springer the clear winner.


Bill DeShivs

New member
If a $250 Keltec had problems like burrs you had to file off, people would say they are junk. I guess it's OK on a S&W, though.


New member
I think the answer is in the thread, you just need to see it.
I own two springfields and love them.
But notice the post above listing problems like burs and bad finishes...IMHO a reputable company such as S&W should know better than to let less than perfect merchandise roll out their door.
I don't want to spend $500+ on a gun that is less than perfect.
Do you?


New member
I have a Bobtailed Smith & Wesson Scandium Commander and a Springfield GI 45 (Upgraded). The Springfield is a GREAT pistol but the S&W is far and away the better of the two.


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Springfield Armory

Have and shoot several SA. Reliable as pet rocks. Fit and finish are excellent. Never even handled the SW. Don't like external extractors. They just seem 'wrong' on a 1911 to me.


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What are the differences of the extractors. S&W has the external and Springfield has the internal. I have not seen either type, so I don`t know what they look like on 1911`s.


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Of the two pistols, wich one has the fewest parts? I believe that the one has the least moving parts would be the most reliable.
After reading all these comments, I think I am leaning towards the Springfield. But I am still going to ask my dealer to get both of them so I can get a hands experience.