Comparing the 10/22 and Model 60


New member
I KNOW that these two rifles are compared and beat to death like Chevy vs. Ford...but I wanted to give my impressions and see what the concensus was here.

I have owned a couple of 10/22's over the years...and have been very pleased with them. I've had super accuracy (which doesn't seem to be all that common...or I just have low standards :rolleyes: .) I really like the ability to slap in a higher capacity magazine if the situation calls for it, but most of the time I use a factory 10 round mag. I've been impressed with the fit and finish, even if they seem somewhat bulky.

We decided to get a new .22 for our son for X-mas this past year, and landed on a Marlin Model 60. My thoughts were that it was inexpensive, reliable, accurate, and there was no magazine for a young guy (almost 11)to lose. In looking over the rifle, my impressions were that it was definitely not a showpiece. The Rugers aren't real showpieces either, but they seem to be considerably better looking, in my opinion. The Marlin shoots very well, but definitely NOT any better than the Rugers I have handled. The Marlin seems to me to be made of cheaper materials (stock in particular.)

I have no doubt that my boy will use his 60 for many many moons to come, and he'll look at it in 20 years with fond memories of learning to shoot with it, and various game that he took with it. I know it will give him the same type of service I've gotten from my 10/22's. I do think, however, that if I could go back and do it all over again, I'd have opted for the Ruger for him...if for no other reason than feeling like my Rugers have been "nicer" rifles. FWIW, I have an 8 week old daughter who will no doubt be the recipient of a .22 down the road a few years here. Point is, this discussion will remain alive for me for some time...and I'll be making a similar decision at that point (hopefully by that time I'm discussing the merits of 39a vs 452...)

Anybody else have both? Which do you like better and why? Or does anyone have one after owning both at some previous point in time?


New member
I KNOW that these two rifles are compared and beat to death like Chevy vs. Ford...
You are so right but not surprising, it comes up all too often. In fact, I cringe everytime I see a post on which pistol, shotgun or rifle is better. Basically but not always, you get what you pay for. If a poster loves his Rossi, I am tickled to death for him.

I have owned both the 1022's and the 60's as well as others and I like them all and they all have their strong and weak points. You have mentioned a few yourself and others will as well. The last .22 rifle that I bought, is a Savage and I just love shooting this one as well. If whatever you have, provides you good performance, then that is the one you should value and enjoy.

Be Safe !!!

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
I have both, both shoot good, the 60 I have had for 40 years, the (2) 10/22's I have had less than 10 years. Call me a sucker, I like my 10/22's but I love my 60.


I have or have had both models and shot both extensivly. Lots of folks I know have one or both of them also so I have shot them lots. My impression overall is that they tie on accuracy with the edge going to the MDL 60 ime but not by much.

I only own the 10/22 anymore. Have you ever tried to fix a mdl 60? It's an excercise in frustration in version, parts availabilty and so forth. Everyone and their mother has 10/22 parts though and their easier to work on than the Marlins. That cinches it for me and my purposes.


New member
Chevy comparison continued further......10/22 IS the small block Chevy of the rimfire rifle world. Cheap, readily available performance and stock replacement parts abound.

Model 60 is more like trying to build a high-performance motor for an IH Scout...not much available, and what is is more expensive and hard to obtain.



New member
Had a 60,more accurate than my friends 10-22, but Ruger caught on and now they make more stuff for the Ruger and my Marlin got sold to my friend with the Ruger..:D


New member
I've got both. The 60 is more accurate out of the box. The 10/22 can be made scary accurate and there are a biziliion accessories out there for it.


New member
I lost my (Glenfield) Model 60 to a burglar in the early 90's. It was the gun I really learned to shoot with after receiving it as a birthday present in HS. Accuracy was first rate as long as you used quality ammo. The trigger pull was a tad gritty and you had to take it out of the stock and clean all the grunge out of the action every 4-500 rounds or it would start choking.

I replaced it with a 10/22. The 10/22 has the advantage of replaceable mags, a gazillion accessories of every conceivable type, and a trigger that's easy to work on. I polished the mating surfaces on my 10/22 but I was always afraid to take the 60 apart to tune it up.

I wish my 60 would somehow find its way home again, though I realize that's an almost impossible wish. I would give back my 10/22 to have the Glenfield again, but I know that's an emotional decision and not a logical one. It was one of the few things I had that my Mother had given me before she died.

My final thought: pick the one with the better trigger. That's the one you will shoot better.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
I've had both at the same time, and now have only the 10/22, only because of some mischief as a kid caused the Model 60 to go be with Jesus.

I like them both, although I preferred shooting the Marlin because I liked the feel better.

Accuracy was the same for both rifles, better than I needed for shooting old soda bottles.

I hunt with a buddy with a Model 60, and it becomes a royal pain to unload and reload the magazine when we are squirrel hunting on public land. I can just pull the magazine on my 10/22, he has to pour out all the cartridges in the tube. (We have to unload when within 50yds of a road or in a vehicle) I actually had to think about how to unload his Marlin, because when I was a kid, I unloaded it by just firing it dry...

All things considered, I like the 10/22 better, easier to load/unload, and has more accessories available if you like to tinker.


New member
I own both and like both but prefer the 10/22. Detachable magazine, more compact, both are usually accurate, the trigger on the 10/22 is easy to make good-the stock Mdl 60 trigger tends to be a bit better but isn't so simple to make excellent.


New member
Something to keep in mind is Ruger's cost reduction techniques.

Current production 10/22's have plastic trigger guard housings and mag releases, crinkle finished receivers, and matte bluing.

Another thing to think about might be if you think your son would enjoy dressing up a 10/22 with fancy parts.