Compared to the Internet Commandos, I am pretty bad..


New member
Many years ago I went shooting with a man who had been on a US Army pistol team. It was a pretty humbling experience.

For the rest of us, if you can keep your shots inside a 2' target a 50yds, you're doing pretty darn good.


New member
If you can keep 70% of your shots (using support) on a B-6(P) 50-yard slow fire target I think you could maybe pass the FBI qualification test.

My question is simply why do you want to work at 50 yards ? That distance ought give you room to 'exit stage left'. Again why do you want to engage at 50 yards ?


New member
I practice and even sometimes hit at 50 yards. By doing so, when the target is closer, I get lots of X's. I believe that the longer shots make me be surer of my target before I pull the trigger. I hope that makes sense.


New member
I'd say you're doing better than average anyway if you can manage 4 for 5 at 50-yds with a handgun.

As for why shoot that far? Why not? I routinely drop rounds onto the 100-yd rifle gong at my range with my 4" .357s. On a good day I can go 4, maybe 5 of 6. It's fun and it will show you every error in your technique. Why not have some fun and try a different challenge sometimes? And I find shooting 5-7 yards very easy and almost *boring* with my better shooting pistolas.

My standard: if you can't hit the head zone of an IDPA silhouette from 25-yards with a full-size semi-auto or revolver shooting untimed, slow-fire, keep practicing. (Yes, I know I'm now one of those Internet commandos, but I think too many people accept the idea that a handgun is "useless" past a few feet or 15 yards at best. Which the OP's video nicely illustrates is bogus.)


New member
Your shooting was bad? I barely made it past the long introduction…the loud music just pushed me over the top.


New member
i also shoot alot of 50 yard handgun. i like that the target is far enough out that it shows the inconsistency in your shooting without it being off the target. and when you miss you can usually look up in time to see where the bullet went from the dust cloud.


New member
Sorry, output, but the volume knob should be off to your right somewhere. Or, as a buddy said when we went to see the Moody Blues a few weeks ago, (Yes, they ARE still touring), "It's too what?":eek:
I really added music to make it less boring...gee, he fired another round...*yawn*, he fired another round...*scratch*...:cool:

Hook686, my handguns aren't just for self defense...I also have fun with them. I was fortunate enough to be shooting next to a family that had emigrated here from England 5 years prior, and we had a lively discussion. They had no illusions about "gun safety", and they were practicing on man sized silhouette targets at 10-15 yards. I, on the other hand, was seeing how far I could push myself, and still make reasonable contact with a reactive target. I like that instant feedback.
Would I ever have to "engage" a target at 50 yards with a handgun? Great Scott, I hope not, but it's nice to know I can expect to possibly hit something out that far, given plenty of time to line up the shot and they stand still. :p:D

Tucker 1371

New member
Wow, don't knock yourself brother, I doubt if I could put one round out of 8 with my 1911 on that target at that range (not that being a better hand gunner than me is an accomplishment :eek: haha). Maybe with a 6" .357. Impressive in my book!

James K

Member In Memoriam
The 50 yard slow fire* pistol target has an 8" black; that includes the 8, 9, 10 and X, and any serious competitor who doesn't want to be laughed off the range had better keep all his shots in the black or at least in the 7 ring.

*There is no timed or rapid fire at 50 yards.


James K

Member In Memoriam
Revolvers used to be the favorite, then the auto pistols in .38 wadcutter. Now there are a lot of guns in 9mm. And 1911 type .45's still are very cometitive. It is a game for those with arms as steady as a Ransom rest and nerves of steel.



New member
At Sniper School last year one of the Instructors put a first round hit on a Full Size steel silhouette at 200 yards with a Wilson Combat Comander. When the Lucky Shot comment was made he put a second round on target.
Pretty Impressive shooting for a measured 200 yards.

Back in 1971 or 1972 I was at a match at Ft Benning. A gunsmith was working on a 1911 on a side range. I was watching him work. He loaded several magazines then opened up on a target at 50 yards, and shot the center out of it. That was still some of the best shooting I have ever seen with an open sight semi auto.

On the subject of a justified long range shooting. I read a story a while back. Problem started over a dog I believe. Then a neighbor ended up shooting the owner of the dog and his wife. The shooter set up to ambush the Police. Another neighbor who was watching everything go down brought the perp under fire at something like 140 yards with a 357 Magnum, and best I remember connected 3 out of 5. Not bad shooting at all. He probably saved the Officer.

I shoot my Hunting Revolver at 50 yards a fair amount. That is my prefered engagement distance for deer. I also shoot at 100 yards, which I consider to be pretty well my maximum distance for a clean ethical shot. If I am on with accurate ammo I can work over Pop cans at 100 yards off of a rest.

If you want to be impressed shoot a Contender using a Bipod and a sand sock under the butt for elevation adjustment. A good shooting Contender with a scope of 6 to 10 Power will put most deer rifles to shame at 100 yards with an experianced Contender shooter operating it.


Deaf Smith

New member
Read up on good old Elmer Keith and Ed McGivern.

Long range handgun shooting has been around along time.

And then go to a IHMSA match and see what can be done off your hind legs with a handgun.

And yes, at 100 yards with my Kimber Gold Match .45 putting all the shots inside a IDPA target, standing, firing two handed, I've done many times. I pack Glocks but I know a accurate 1911 will outdo it as for as accuracy.



New member
Insane ... perhaps, but I recall reading about it. Chalk it off to just plain luck after a stupid effort, but it did save the officers life.


New member
armoredman said:
Compared to the Internet Commandos, I am pretty bad..

...I really added music to make it less boring...gee, he fired another round...*yawn*, he fired another round...*scratch*...

You're much too humble - you're a terrific Internet Commando. ;)