Company will load loved ones' ashes into ammunition


New member
Company will load loved ones' ashes into ammunition
6:16 AM, Sep 30, 2011

A pair of Alabama conservation enforcement officers think they've come up with the perfect way for avid hunters to honor their loved ones for eternity.

I'm loath to post links to news articles... However, this certainly has to do with firearms and ammunition. Also it might be worthy of discussion, on several different levels.

My opinion is still undecided on this. I don't know that scrubbing grandpa out of his favorite shotguns barrel, with some Hoppes #9, would be all that rewarding. Nor, as is mentioned in the article, the possible consumption of your loved one in wild game. Its an odd and intriguing idea to say the least.


New member
I've been telling my wife for years that I want someone to hand load my ashes and take me trap shooting for a final 'ride'. Now I see someone is going to offer their services.

I'd guess they will get some business and have no problem at all with the concept. Don't know that I'd shoot cousin Buford at a critter I was gonna eat. Certainly would use the reloads for target practice so he could have his last blast.


New member
Interesting, but probably not something I would do. My mother-in-law had my father-in-laws ashes made into several pieces of jewelry which is something else I had never heard of before.


New member
I think I remember an add in Guns and Ammo 20 years ago for this service.

I see no point paying for a hole in the ground nor in sitting in a jar on a mantle somewhere. Getting loaded into a couple hundred rounds for trap for my family and friends to use at a shoot with money I leave behind is rather intriguing.


New member
We kicked this around in the workplace a bit, and this is not the first thread on this.

We all decided that if grandpas last wish was to smash into the vitals of a game animal at two thousand+ feet per second, why not!


New member
When faced with an FTF or FTE, a real shooter clears it and keeps shooting.

Target shooters stop shooting, glares at their gun, and immediately starts filling out the shipping label while on the phone with CS:D

Grandpa should not long as he's handled by a real shooter.


New member
I actually saw this in practice on Youtube not too long ago. If anyone is interested in watching the video, it was posted by IraqVeteran8888, who I personally feel is a very knowledgeable and entertaining person.


New member
Creepy. Just damn creepy. Never knew there was actually a market for it. I guess if a deceased pappy had wanted to attend a shotgun wedding, here's his chance. Creepy!

Don P

New member
I guess one could say after this is he/she was shot, it didn't hurt, and they didn't bleed. To each there own as to how they choose there remains to be dispersed. No different than becoming part of a man made reef or just being spread over the ocean or from a plane.


New member
My wife and I are going to be sprinkled over cattle fields or something, after having our organs donated. However... one or two of her uncles might really get a "kick" out of this!