Compacted loads?


New member
My question is can you have an over compacted load? I have some new Norma brass for my 22-250 that when filled with 40 gr. H-380 it comes up about an 1/8 inch from the top. I have worked up to 39 gr. with no pressure signs yet now Im going to 40. Just wondering if you can over compact a round thanks!!! O.A.L is 1.9990 when using a comparator, and 55 gr. V-Max's.


New member
Yes you can, it's called a compressed charge. The issue with compressed charges is that in un-crimped cases it will move the bullet out of OAL. The fastest way to test a compressed charge is to load one case and let it sit two or three days then check the OAL and see if it remained the same or moved. If it moved the OAL out of spec you could have an issue with the round not chambering in your rifle or being hard to close the bolt, this will put the bullet hard into the line and groves and jaming the gun or increasing the chamber pressure dangerously high. Most powder has air space when put into the case and will settle down as it stands. You could load a round and put it into your tumbler for about 10 min and then remove it and remove the bullet with a bullet puller and check how much the powder has settled and if their is sufficient space in the case. Or you could just load 0.5 grains under max and not worry about a compressed charge. Most reloading manuals will note if it is a compressed charge by putting a "C" next to the load data.

Good luck and stay safe