Compact C&R?


New member
What pistols on the C&R list are especially compact or light weight? Most are large and heavy. With which pistols might one combine the hobby of collecting C&R with practical carry considerations?



New member
Some Makarovs in 9x18 have been classified as C&R, as have
some models of the CZ-50.

I have an East German Mak purchased as a C&R from
AIM Surplus that is an excellent choice for CCW. With
the Barnaul ammo, it's been very accurate and utterly

I have no experience with the CZ-50, but I would suppose
that like all CZ products it is a well-made firearm.

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC


New member
The CZ-50 and CZ-52 are both nice little guns. Readily available and fairly inexpensive. Most come with holster and two mags. A good little gun to tuck away somewhere. Basically you are shooting a .32 caliber...not a tremendous amount of knockdown power, but for in close situations, a good choice. Very slim so easy to conceal.



New member
I have a safe full of compact C&R pistols! How about the Bayard 1908, a .32ACP in a compact package. :)



New member

You have some dang unusual pistols.
Now, I don't want to call your babies ulgy, but I sure can't call them pretty.;)


New member
Hey Johnwill,

Does your momma let you leave the house with pistols that ugly? ;)


The East German Makarov should be at the top of anyone's CCW C&R list. Nothing else can come close to it in a reasonable price range.


New member
How can you call my beautiful pistols ugly??? :) I was just answering the call, small C&R handgun. :) As far as the EG Mak, I agree it's a great C&R handgun, but it's certainly not a pocket pistol! However, since you insist, here's my EG Makarov with the factory grips. I also have one with a wood grip, but it makes the gun a bit fatter.
