Compact .45, Para Warthog...

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New member
I've been considering other buys, much down the road, after a lot of scrimping and saving and such. I like the idea of a micro .45, provided the weapon provides good inherent accuracy and reliability. I would also like to pick up a Bond Arms Texas Defender in .410/.45 LC at some point, once again, those are at least three bills, so, down the road for now...

Anyway, of the micro .45's, what in ya'll experience is the best platform? What is the pricetag for said platform, so I got a goal to work towards? :)



New member
As for me, after a lot of looking, reading, etc, I settled on a S&W CS .45.

I am familliar with the tda, and it is a good, small reliable carry gun.



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Warwagon - Not to hi-jack Defjon's thread ,but how is that CS45? I'm looking at one now. Apologies to Defjon. Regards 18DAI.


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Have not had it to the range yet, but seems to be a quality piece. Im, or pm me and we can discuss the weapon,also S&W forum has alot of good info.



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Although i do not have a wart hawg I did have considerable experience with a p10 LDA and found it to be a very reliable piece. I also have a
6-45 ParaOrd and i like that alot too.
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