Commerical ammo by company called "A.M.P"


New member
Ok this is driving me nuts.....

Anyone else run into this relatively cheap ammo (I saw .44 and .357 Magnums), in a plain red box, with a white sticker on the end with the specs of the cartrige and at the bottom it says "A.M.P"???

Its driving me insane, first for the very poor choice of company name (AMP = Auto Mag Pistol), and second because I can't find ANY info for them online. Its like it only exists in my imagination.

When I picked up my new gun from the dealer I saw them again, and I asked him to make sure that they are NOT .44 AMP ammo, he told me they're definately revolver cartridges, and he said that A.M.P is short for the company name, but he can't recall what it is.

An hour of Googling later, NOTHING on them. Zip. Nada.

Anyone else know anything about them?? If it helps, they're made with Starline brass, plain red box, and generally $10-15 cheaper than equivalent factory new commercial ammo.