Comments on Gun Parts, Features, too Vague.


New member
I've been folowing-up many comments on the negative and unfounded Comments of the following:

1. Firing Pin Safety - Useless, not necessary, more added features to J.B. design only destroy the gun.

2. Cocked and Locked is good, not good, etc., only the Israilites are very much qualified and knows how to carry the 1911 not on a cocked & locked mode. Who are they, are they better than the Americans, Europeans, Blacks, Brown or Yellow colored man.

My only intention in jotting this lines is.

1. If you say FIRING PIN SAFETY is not necessary or not good to 1911, can you pls identify or enumerate the disadvantages of it, so that we may know also who are not that familiar or expert as to the negative impact of it. For example, 1911 with firing pin safety is not reliable, slower in delivering the first shot, hinders accurate sighting etc., whaetever the reasons.

2. If the Israilites are the only claimed qualified expert in handling the 1911 that is not cocked and locked, could you please tell us in this board how they do it if you can, so that most readers can learn also from that comment.

3. If hammer down on a live bullets chambered is safety or dangerous, please prove by a scientifically or mechanically proven facts not based of on personal practice. If cocked and locked is the best way, why it is safety and if not safety on that mode why also. Illustrate how the mechanical parts functions and how it fails to if so.

This might be general questions but I believe it is related to guns that has been previously or currently discussed.


[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited January 30, 2000).]


New member
1911Heaven: So, can you please tell us how the Israilites manipulate the 1911 that is not cocked and locked but can use fast the same as when it is in C&L mode. I have read this many times but there is no enumeration on how. Perhaps it is a secret, but if any one knows it, he can reveal it here and we may learn also.

As to the presence of Firing Pin Safety to 1911 models especially the 80 Series, can you pls tell us or any one also what are the disadvantages that are proven not on speculation only.

Thank you.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited January 31, 2000).]


New member

As I understand it, the Israeli's don't carry with a round in the chamber. During the draw cycle, they bring the pistol up to chest level, push forward with the strong hand while grasping the slide with the weak hand and rack the slide to chamber a round. Since they presumably always carry this way, they have become quite fast with this method through practice. They supposedly do this with all semi-auto pistols, not just 1911's.

As for the Series 80 firing pin safety...the negatives are: 1)More parts in the gun making it more complicated than it has to be and harder to detail strip and reassemble. 2)The spring loaded plunger in the slide has to be lifted against spring pressure during the trigger stroke making good light trigger pulls difficult to achieve. 3)All these things are done to correct a non-existent problem.

Hope this answers your questions.



New member
stdalire-Most of the people posting here on on a regular basis are in fact quite knowledgeable people which becomes apparent after reading their posts for awhile,but,that said,I will attempt to answer your specific questions. As to the Israilite mode of carry on a 1911,it is my understanding that they train with a empty chamber;to bring the pistol into action it is drawn,racked & aimed in one fluid motion. I have never witnessed this,nor would personally adopt it as a mode of carry on a 1911,but I do know that what is trained is ingrained,and it is not difficult for me to believe that a dedicated soldier could train to the point where this mode would be nearly as fast as cocked & locked ;it would take ALOT of training I would suspect... As to the Series '80 firing pin safety: This is just extra parts in a piece that did'nt need them until our litigious society made it so.The trigger has to lift a lever which contacts a spring loaded plunger assembly in the slide group which makes it truly difficult for a custom smith to achieve that truly sweet & crisp trigger pull that is possible on a 1911. As noted earlier on another post,the 1911 has an inertia firing pin;this means the pin DOES NOT rest on the primer,but rather is held back against spring pressure until dealt a smart lick ; NOT my intent or inclination to debate the relative merits of each system in question here. I prefer my 1911's cocked and locked and built without Series '80 parts;I hang on tight & use great holsters.


New member
Thank you mickey for clarification on how the Israelis operate their 1911's on the same speed as to C&L mode. So, it is a matter of practice on that way.

As to the firing pin safey - now I understand that it hamper or hold back the trigger pull because of that mechanical parts added. Do you think, it is big enough to contributes to the flawlessness of the trigger pull? and can the trigger be adjusted into a lighter pull to ignore the effects of the firing pin safety?

Thanks mickey - for your explanation that is as simple like that to answer the long debated firing pin safety.


New member
1911, thanks for the answer, while I am answering Mickey's posts you are also writing perhaps, for when I submit my post I see your post pop-up.

Thanks again for the clarification on the how and why.