Comments-Gun Co's & Customer Service


New member
Just my experience with a few Gun Manufacturers...

I decided to contact COLT, KIMBER, & SPRINGFIELD-ARMORY, Customer Service Depts w/ some questions. I wanted production dates on a few pistols. Also, I wanted info on having modifications/upgrades done, as well as some parts questions. The following is what I encountered.

First, I called COLT. I asked them if they could date a few pistols for me. The answer I got was that I needed to submit my question in writing. They would ans my questions by return mail in a few wks. Well, that is what I did. I wrote a letter in APR 02. It's now almost three mos later to the day, and I still haven't heard anything. So, I called again today. After being on hold for several minutes(thank goodness it was an 800# call), I finally got a response from a rep. They didn't know what happened to my apologies, no nothing. So, I asked about the dating again. They had to transfer me a couple times, put me on hold again, for a few min, til I finally got someone on the line that supposedly knew something. I told him what I needed and he said that he'd try to date them over the phone. clue. Suggested I call back in a few days, that someone else might know, or write in w/ my request again. As far as my mods/parts questions were concerned, the custom shop would have to handle that and they weren't available(as usual...again). I asked when they would be available and they didn't know. Now, I've written Colt several times over the yrs and only once have I rec'd a reply. However, they didn't ans my questions. They simply put an owner's manual in an envelope and a generic note that said "thanks for purchasing Colt". Colt's customer service is and has been POOR, at least in all my dealings w/ them and I've read more to support this rating from other forum(s) members, etc. Colt makes a good product but w/ out the customer service to support it, it makes me want to buy elsewhere. If you sell a product you should support it...plain and simple.

Next, I called KIMBER. I wanted to date a series I pistol and get some ans to questions about mods/parts/and refinishing. Immediately, I was connected to the custom shop. However, there was a recorded msg that they were unable to take calls at that time, but would return my call asap if I left my info. No problem, I left my info. I can understand a shop being busy and needing to get back w/ you. So far so good. In just a few minutes, the phone rings. It was the custom shop. He asked what I had inquired about and I told him. He ans all my questions, after some discussion and clarification, gave rates, and explained procedures. I was satisfied w/ the ans and hope I'll be satisfied w/ the actual custom shop service. All in all, a GOOD to VERY GOOD customer service experience and informative. Makes me what to continue patronizing Kimber and their products.

Lastly, I called SPRINGFIELD-ARMORY. I wanted to date a couple pistols as well as get some ans to mods/parts/refinishing.
A friendly female voice ans the call and after I asked my initial question, I was transferred directly to the next lady who was to give me the ans. The lady was friendly and courteous and ready to help. She took her time listening to my questions and then went to work finding the answers. In just a few moments, she had found the exact production the day(from the archives). Next, she found costs for mods/parts/refinishing. She told me how to ship, procedures, delivery return times, etc. She even volunteered alot of info that I had forgotten about to ask. I couldn't have asked/wanted for more. I was extremely pleased and happy w/ the experience. I'd give them and EXCELLENT rating on customer service to this point. If they are as dilligent in the shop as they are w/ phone service, they will be hard to beat.

Overall, this is just my experience. You will have to rate on your own. I just thought some of you might find this info informative and beneficial. FWIW.

Best to you all,

p.s. A word about WILSON-COMBAT...
Wilson's has always been top-notch with every query that I've ever posed to them. They reply to all correspondence whether it's by phone, email, letter, or fax. Over the several yrs that I've been using their products, I've never been displeased w/ anything. At one point, I had a magazine follower that was flawed. I sent a letter and w/in 3 days, I had a new replacement in my hands. I even got a follow-up call to make sure that I had received the product and was pleased. Hard to beat that type of service in any kind of business...period.


New member
Just wanted to share my experience as I stated. As you stated, from your post on that link, captainHoek,
"one of the purposes of this forum is for us to share information"
. I'm just trying to do the same.



New member
Oh, no criticism implied, Slabsides. I'm sorry it if it sounded that way. I was just adding another viewpoint. Yours is valuable information, and I'm glad you posted it. That's how we all learn.

Actually, I think that's a creative way to test the waters. I'll keep that in mind. Another tool in the belt of the careful shopper, and I thank you.

'Creative.' Hmmm. Yes, and sneaky too. I like that! :D