Coming to Fruition


New member
I'm finally getting my rifles configured the way I want them. As far as these old warhorses go, it's hard to find other affordable current production rifles with this level of power, reliability, accuracy and to also be semi-automatic with decent capacity. It's nice to be able to have the ability to add these accessories on these rifles where it'd definitely be a custom job not too long ago, especially for the Garand.
I know the traditionalists will balk at what I've done to them, I even had an old marine at the range remind me that the sights on these rifles are so good that I don't need scopes on them.
But I feel adding these accessories just makes them that much more useful, practical and effective and am able to wring more out of the calibers by being able to see further.
M1 Garand
I have the Mini-Scout Mount on the Garand, it was very easy to install and is rock solid, I have the Aimpoint CompC3 2X 1moa red dot optical mounted to it. I have the 3-slot rail mounted to the right foreward side of the rifle where I have the TLR-1 light mounted. I had bought the 3-slot rail before I knew I was going to get the mini-scout mount, otherwise I'd have bought the slotted rail that attaches to the mini-scout mount.
I understand the liability a weapon light may become in a combat situation, however as I am not in combat nor do I ever intend to be, it's not a concern. I have realized the utility of having a light on your weapon when in the dark in the boonies and growly snarly things seem to be just behind the next closest bush.
At the range the 2X 1moa red dot is great, there is almost no effort to using it and what's really a novelty is the ability to turn the brightness of the dot down just enough to see it where it appears to become the smallest, it seems to be a really precise aiming point. Turn it up to find it easy and you can still get in the ballpark quickly, again without much effort at all. I had thought the 2X on a red dot would be a hinderance, but at distance it's really a boon and really helps bring the target in just a little closer with a little extra clarity. I had been tossing the idea around of either a non-magnified red dot or a 2.5X or 2.75X scout scope, but I think with this model you get the best of both worlds and it shows.
I was using late 60's Greek milsurp ammo and I was easily able to keep all my shots in the 10 ring with a couple on the bull at 100yds.
The red dot does add bulk to the rifle, but as I've experience before, in low light situations when you can't see your sights well enough to make a confident shot, the illuminated dot makes that problem go away, which makes it worth it to me.
I received the M1A back from S.A. where the ARMS mount was crooked, they sent it back mounted perfectly centered. I put a Nikon fixed 6X42mm scope on it using the Millet angle-loc extended 1" rings to help bring the scope further to the rear for the proper eye relief. I found the Daniel's Defense 1 O'clock/10 O'clock offset light mounts for $38 and have that mounted on the ARMS mount between the the millet rings. The Nikon crosshairs are black against light backgrounds and become a brighter goldish color against darker backgrounds.
At the range, again with early 70's milsurp ammo, I was easily able to keep all the rounds in the 10 ring with a couple on the bull at 100yds. The fixed 6X is a nice compromise, still being able to see my shots on the target at 100yds, but not too much where you can't make out targets up close. I feel this setup will provide the best durability with the most practicality for this rifle. Again, putting a light on a set-up like this may not make much sense to many, but I still feel it's a practical addition, especially when alone in the boonies at dark on the way back to the truck.
I installed the Ultimak rail on the SLR-95 and put another Daniel's Defense offset light mount on it for the TLR-1. I plan to put an Aimpoint CompC3 2moa red dot sight on that soon, I'll post a pic of it when it's together along with a range report.

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