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In Canada, you can be arrested without warrant and your home searched on the mere speculation of your possessing a firearm. In this case, the speculation was based on a four-year-old drawing a crayon drawing of a man with a firearm.

When her teacher asked her what the drawing was about, she stated that it was her daddy "getting the bad guys and monsters." The teacher immediately informed the principal, he informed the police, and the police arrested her daddy when he came to pick her up from school.

They strip searched him (in case he might have keester stashed the firearm I suppose) and searched his home. They found a gun. It is a toy and shoots foam darts.

They released the dad but not before they made him sign a form giving them permission to do everything they had already done without his permission.

There is a >13 minute video at the article that discusses this idiocy which is also posted at youtube HERE.


The Nanny State in Action; Could it Happen Here?
By Bobby Eberle February 27, 2012


So here's what happened as reported by The Toronto Sun. Jessie Sansone is a 26-year-old father of four. He showed up to pick up his kids from school, just like he always does. But this time, he was in for a shock. It turned out that the police were waiting for him, because earlier in the day, his 4-year-old daughter drew a picture of a man with a gun.

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