Coming at ya Ben L!!


New member
The surgical attack has started as has the hunanitarian aid delivery.

I appreciate the way Bush and company has built the coalition.

I appreciate the way they have taken time to put plenty of manpower and a viriety of tactical armaments in the area.

It is TIME for it to HAPPEN! The victims of the 9/11 attack DESERVE it! The entire USA deserves it! BEN L MORE THAN ANYBODY DESERVES IT!

I support this administration and their measured decisions (although as a card-carrying redneck, I would have been there SOONER and probably been much less well planned.)

I support ALL our military personnel and their families during this trying time.

I EXPECT more terrorism, probably some different types of suacide bombings. I hope the American people are filled with the needed resolve in the face of all that is likely to happen. All of us must be in it for the LONG HAUL as this will not be a short campaign. ALL OF MUST BE VIGILENT AND PREPARED TO 'REPEL BOARDERS' AS NEEDED.

These 'religious' fanatics CAN NOT be negotiated with and they can not be persuaded with logic. They understand only the swift, sure application of overwhelming FORCE. SO BE IT! This time, we MUST NOT stop 'before we get to Baghdad' as we did earlier. Root them out and wipe them out!

