Comforting not required


New member
Clint Smith said:
Carrying a gun is not supposed to be comfortable; it’s supposed to be comforting.

That catchy phrase has gotten a lot of play, its regularly repeated all around the various firearms forums and has become the mantra of many who say man-up, go spendy on belts and holsters, dress around the gun, and so on...

I think there is a big difference between "prepared" and "comforting".

"Prepared" acknowledges the remote possibility of being attacked and takes steps to be able to defend self and family.

"Comforting" in this context is a fix for discomfort, or fear. Perhaps, paranoia to be consoled?

I say carry what you want however you want, you have the right to and I'm glad of it... but I'll keep my clothes and take a little single stack 9mm or 380 that I practice with often.

Crow Hunter

New member
1. Mindset
2. Tactics
3. Skill
4. Equipment

What you carry is less important that what you can do with it.

If you can do all that you need to with what you have, that is all that matters.
I'll keep my clothes and take a little single stack 9mm or 380 that I practice with often.
The problem is that most people practice the first part of that statement, but not the second. They choose a gun that's comfortable, but they fail to take the measures to make sure they're proficient with it.


New member
Couldn't agree more. How often do you go to a range and see someone with a LCP or TCP and they can't stay on paper with it? I see it a good bit. Pocket 380s are probably the leading cause of target stand damage at my range...


New member
Nice, catchy phrase but there's no reason even a full size handgun should be uncomfortable with a proper belt and holster. Sometimes clothes don't permit that type of carry and a good pocket pistol is a must.


New member
I wear jeans and t shirts and still comfortably conceal a Glock and an extra mag. I am quite a bit more proficient with that than any mouse gun.


I dress for the gun, shorts and t-shirt= .380 in pocket, Dockers and Tommy Bahama= .40 cal in Galco King Tuk, suit/blazer=.40 cal in custom leather shoulder holster.