Combo gun business names?


New member
I once dated a gril who suggested that we open a combination gun shop/florist and call it "Boom and Bloom" or "Root and Shoot." Any other spiffy ideas?

Gunshop/locksmith: Lock, Stock, and Barrel
Adoption agency/gunshop: Son of a Gun
Bakery/gunshop: Guns 'n' Buns
Custom gunsmithing/gym: Glutes & Flutes
Gunshop /whorehouse: Wham, Bam, Thank you M'am ;)

C'mon, there are some great punsters here, let's have your input! (Who knows? Someone might come up with a viable idea. Stranger things have happened.)

David Scott

New member
The obvious one:

Gunshop + Florist -- Guns 'n' Roses.

Gunshop and Industrial adhesives -- Stick To Your Guns

Gunshop + atheltic jackets - Starter's Pistols

Gunshop + lingerie -- Under the Gun

Gunshop, bar and immunization clinic -- Shots, Shots, Shots

Walther dealer + whips and chains -- James Bondage