"Combat Pawn"... no comments yet?


New member
Watched a new show on TruTV, "Combat Pawn" this morning. I DVR'd it from last evening.

First show in the new series, this is set in a Fort Bragg, North Carolina gun shop by the name of "Guns Plus"... owned and operated, apparently, by vets.

In the first transaction, a guy comes in with a H&K G36... not a SL8 cosmetic conversion, a real G36... a post 1986 ban, select fire weapon. There was no discussion about who he was or how he happened to come by this gun... just an "I want to sell it, you wanna' buy it?" kinda deal. Was he a SOT? Chief LEO? Who knows.
From an educational perspective, I found this odd. People who have no understanding of class 3 - title 2 - pre ban - post ban, may believe that these post '86 guns are somehow... available to Joe Shooter. Perhaps they thought the details of it would bog down the entertainment value of a half hour show. I guess that makes sense.

A transaction for a S&W top break "lemon squeezer" revolver was conducted.
Pricing for these guns is all over the map, so without inspection, I don't know if the $250 offered and taken was fair.

Woman pawned her Yugo AK... nothing special.

Man bought Glock for wife... had it laser engraved that day. Drama with laser engraver functionality. Drama with recent gun death of wife's Father. Sad and slightly weird.

They apparently shoot every gun they buy... or at least all the guns they bought in this episode.

Other than the guns, it's kinda dull. I assume there will be more interactive drama as the show builds a following.
At least, so far, they don't offer to turn grand-dad's old Remington 870 bird gun into a tactical shotgun for only 4-5 thousand dollars.

I don't mind drama... I don't even mind when they blow stuff up for effect. It is mass "entertainment" after all and not really aimed at the knowledgeable shooting public.

I'll keep watching... hopefully, it will improve with age.



New member
The show is fake as all the rest of those "pawn" shows. I watched one episode and that was enough for me. In the one I watched several different people came in with their guns at different times, supposedly right from their car to the store, and the man behind the counter looks at the guns but never checks to see if they are loaded. He just picks them up, looks at them for 30 seconds and says, "uhhh you want to pawn it or sell it?". Then of course they add drama to make the show more interesting.

Do yourself a favor and stop watching all those pawn shows, repo shows, storage hunter shows, security shows and what have you. They are all FAKE.

It saddens me that these type of shows are so popular. I remember when the History Channel had shows about history.


New member
Colonel Cooper said that we're living in the age of the common man, and he is proving to be all too common.
But I've watched all three episodes, so far and will probably watch more.
It's about guns, after all.
When I want history, I read books.
This show is on Tru-tv, if that's any clue.


New member
It saddens me that these type of shows are so popular. I remember when the History Channel had shows about history

They still do, but usually not during prime-time.

I think some can be interesting, but also realize that no single day in a pawn shop can be that interesting, much less have enough interesting things that just happen to occur to warrant a TV show.

It's info-tainment, just less info and more -tainment:)


New member
Seen one episode where the guy brought in the custom rifle. Prices seem all over the place and the interactions seem fake.

When they entered their store with rifles in hand that was a bit much. I'll give a couple more episodes and if doesn't impove I'll bail on it.


New member
freebird72 said:
They are all FAKE

What isn't? Fact based historical dramas are faked up. Documentaries are faked up. Broadcast and cable news is not only faked up... but now, blatantly split along party lines. Talk about fake!

There are so many channels, so much competition... you got to wonder, is there anything on the tube that is, unadulterated, un-edited, pure and complete fact? :rolleyes:



New member
Do yourself a favor and stop watching all those pawn shows, repo shows, storage hunter shows, security shows and what have you. They are all FAKE.

The storage shows are horrific. I have family members that watch. What does amaze is that people pay to store what amounts to garbage.


New member
Ok I am surprised nobody is complaining about how they "open" the store every morning. Did you guys see that?

There is no way its real. I can understand opening the store as a group armed of course. But they are walking around guns drawn pointing them all over the place aiming them at who knows whatever. Obviosoly fake, I turned it off as soon as I saw that.


New member
You folks have seen other episodes? I thought last nights episode was the first one.
I checked to see if there were any other threads on this show, but there were none. Surprised that if there have been several episodes already, that no threads had been previously started... considering what a hot button issue the new breed of prime time gun show are.

I must be getting old... older. ;)


New member
These shows are soap operas for the average joe. Tv is for entertainment just like movies. I will watch them for entertainment value. Tv has never been an accurate source of learning. They can make a show in your area of expertise and you find flaws.

If you have an issue with fake tv shows, then you might save yourself some heartache and throw the tv in the trash.


New member
Ok I am surprised nobody is complaining about how they "open" the store every morning. Did you guys see that?

There is no way its real. I can understand opening the store as a group armed of course. But they are walking around guns drawn pointing them all over the place aiming them at who knows whatever. Obviosoly fake, I turned it off as soon as I saw that.

That is all I saw of the show. Turned it off afterwards.

They are either batnuts paranoid or trying way too hard to be tacticool. I assume this isn't a real thing but something they came up with to liven up the show but it's just embarrassing. It pretty well represents everything negative about owning a tactical rifle.

That and I read about the whole customization of the 870, and it was just plain dumb. Could have had an excellent tactical remington 870 for far less without ruining grandpa's gun. If they had an inkling of conscience they could have still made a sale and not completely rip that guy off.

These guys are a disgrace.


New member
That and I read about the whole customization of the 870, and it was just plain dumb. Could have had an excellent tactical remington 870 for far less without ruining grandpa's gun.

I believe you are thinking of "American Gun"... not "Combat Pawn". My reference, in the OP, was that at least... they weren't doing what American Gun does on a nearly episodeal basis.

There is no way its real. I can understand opening the store as a group armed of course.
According to the video description, they take security "very serious." Apparently, "very serious" involves waving around Desert Eagles, "tactical" AK sporters, and GoPro cameras mounted on the guns. They're not exactly conveying an image of professionalism to me.

What gets me is that they're a free-standing building in a field, with the only neighbor being a gas station across the street. That makes it a pretty easy location to monitor and secure. There's really no need for the mall ninja antics, and...oh, wait. Television cameras. Got it.

What worries me is the image this projects to the general public, not just of guns, but of the retail industry.


New member
I believe you are thinking of "American Gun"... not "Combat Pawn". My reference, in the OP, was that at least... they weren't doing what American Gun does on a nearly episodeal basis.

Dangit, my memory is sucking hard these days.

That was still pathetic.

Wasn't Combat Pawn the one that "customized" a FN-FAL or something similar that really wasn't anything difficult? I remember it was pretty lame, but I haven't put a whole lot more thought into the show. They lost me about the same time they started sweeping the parking lot. The fact that I remember anything else is a minor miracle.

My kids are addicted to Pawn Stars but I can't stand it. Nothing against the guys on the show, but it's like watching exercises in bad decision making. Obviously they don't show typical days and it's been pretty clear that people are now going to the store because of the TV show (We started on Season 1 on Netflix), so the "realism" factor is pretty much gone.

I have a feeling there is a similar "Hey look, cameras!" vibe going on, but without the Pawn Stars infamy.


New member
FNH, customized in the first episode for a wheelchair bound vet. Scope "sighted in" at 25 yard indoor range. Vet, unable to use the shooting bench, deploys the bipod then leaves it hanging in empty air and scores a 10 ring hit. I thought it was kind of a neat program that definitely gives a positive nod to veterans, which is nice. Didn't see the Post '86 G-36 yet, have to see if that's going to be rebroadcast.
you got to wonder, is there anything on the tube that is, unadulterated, un-edited, pure and complete fact?
I'm going with Tom and Jerry on this one...:D


New member
Dangit, my memory is sucking hard these days.

Don't feel too bad about it... we're still good looking, right? :rolleyes:

Apparently... all these reality gun shows are flowing together in one big cluster fudge of stupid. Can't tell the players without a score card.

Still watch 'em though... but I'm home bound, and bordering on pathetic. :p
