Columbine I Like it, I Love it, Want more of it

Alan B

New member
I guess I can look foward to this being in the news every April 20th until I die.

Its enough to make me barf.

Does any one really want to keep reliving it?

Miss Demeanors

New member
With the media harping on this so much it's no wonder why these shootings keep occuring. Why can't they just simply remember the victims, no need to get into the life stories of Harris and Klebold. I can see this happening again, some kid who gets no attention sees this on TV...what better way to become nationally famous? The media gave them everything they wanted. Why do you think they made that tape? They *knew* they would go down in history, it was all planned and everything worked except for the bombs going off. I'm sick of hearing about them as well. I feel for the victims families to have to hear this over and over and over, will they ever get any closure? :rolleyes

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Paul Revere

New member
Plan on it continuing so long as it serves the agenda to disarm all civilians.

These days are excellent ones to point to a simple fact that many of us like to deny. There IS a conspiracy which includes the "free-press" as its tactical wing of operational propaganda in this country (other country's too BTW). Follow the trail backwards to where the talking heads get their stories, and then research who "owns" these companies (like AP, UPI, Reuters, etc.). The major networks (like ABC, NBC, CBS, CCN, etc.) share the same "ownership" as the news wires. Coincidence or conspiracy?


New member
do you think there is going to be any reporting tonight on the start of the Revolutionary War on this date?



New member
IMO the media keep beating the Columbine drum because: (1) they're too lazy to find anything new to talk about, or (2) they simply have nothing better to do with their air time, or (3) they believe that the drumbeat will help conjure up viewers and boost ratings, or (4) it feeds their political agenda, or (5) all of the above. So, the media try to make everyone affected by the tragedy relive it continually.

Therefore the families of the victims and all who grieve with them are never able to put their sorrow behind them. Basically, the media do not want these good folks to get on with their lives.

Does this sound like the media are further victimizing the victims for selfish purposes? I believe it does.

Alan B

New member
OH NO you wouldnt want to report that unless you could turn it into a excuse for disarmament. Somthing like look at were we would be today if we were still a coloney of Britan. No guns, Free health care (worth every penny you pay) and a rising crime rate.

Personally I would rather rember the patriots that died to day with the begining of the revolution than those two low life creeps from Littleton.


New member
I find the "anniversaries" that the media touts interesting. Are there anniversaries for the US Revolution? Are there anniversaries of when 10 people are saved from a burning building? No. There are anniversaries of murders, deaths, and tradgedy. This is what they think we want to remember.

My father gets all of his information about society from television. He told me when I was 16 that he'd never go downtown because "you'd get yourself killed." I spent much of my high school years downtown, and never had an incident. He also tells me that it must be rough with all of the drugs in schools, and while I knew kids who used drugs, it wasn't "rough," it was simply their choice and they kept it that way.

The media plays violence over and over and people think that it's a dangerous world, when it isn't nearly as bad as they think it is.

Gun control is a classic issue of people who don't own guns, don't want to own guns, don't know anything about guns, don't know how dangerous they are in reality, and yet they're darn certain that they're nothing but bad news. Does it ever occur to them that most gun owners aren't pushing for this control? Are we all suicidal? No, we simply recognize what they're saying as irrellevant.

People should not make decisions without some first hand knowledge of the situation.


New member
Miss Demeanors is completely right. The media has given Harris and Klebold exactly the kind of attention they always sought.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Psychologist hat on.

Clear evidence that this bombardment of stories will reinforce the tendency to act in those who are also prone to do such stuff.

These stories will also significantly contribute to various psychological disorders related to the stress of the event which is magnified on anniversary dates.

The TV replaying of the horror is an atrocity of modern media. Reasoned discussion of the problem and progress to solve is fine but to reshow the blood, death and fleeing serves no purpose except to be a ghoul seeking ratings.


Staff Emeritus

HOO RAH! Finally! Another point upon which we agree completely!!

(Yeah, I know. I shoulda told ya to sit down first!


Staff Alumnus
DZ, I just looked at

Columbine and OKC, present.

Waco and Lexington-Concord, absent.

GOSH, what a surprise!

Dennis Olson

New member
Bottom line: This crap draws because American society LOVES a "good disaster". The sheeple thrive on it, like the sick voyeurs they've become. All you have to do is watch traffic at a nice "juicy" wreck to know that I speak the truth.

"Oooohhhh, that's just AWWWFUL! ... Maybe we can get in a little closer...."

I read a post earlier this week (from another board I think) that said "The Roman Circuses are back. They've taken the form of Springer, Oprah, Jenny, and the rest. The gladitors now bare all for the masses..."

(And of course, the "Christians" are once again being fed to the "lions".)

'Nuf said.


New member
Well, if ya all hear a tortured scream sometime today you'll know I accidentally turned on the TV and heard the phrase "... in the wake of the Columbine shootings..." yet one again.


Staff Alumnus
try living here guys.. or having everyone give you a troubled look whbn you tell them you lived in littleton.. its sick sick sick.

we are all tired of the hype.



New member
Glenn, it's quite true that the nonstop media coverage serves to encourage copycat crimes.
A couple of little b*st*rds involved in a shooting said as much.

There's another aspect to oversaturation, though, which is the public's response to it.
Whether it's Monica-all-the-time, Elian-all-the-time, or Columbine-all-the-time, in the end the public
gets sick of it, to the point where they want something done just to make it go away. In the case of Monica, they said let Clinton go.
In the case of Elian, many are saying just send him back. And, in the case of Columbine, they're saying OK, pass some laws and shut up. In many respects, media oversaturation has the same effect as terrorism, causing people to accept anything just to make the "problem" disappear.

Kirk Douglas made a movie called "The Big Carnival" back in the 50's that, at the time, seemed like a parody of media behavior. It would now be a reflection of our media's behavior.



New member
ELVIS IS INDEED DEAD! Time to move on and get a life.

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!


New member
Elvis is DEAD??????????? But I just saw him this afternoon at the DQ getting a large choc. shake!!!!!!!

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"


Staff Emeritus
Oh, I just love the jump suit! But I don't know what to do with those dumb tapes that came with it!


A long time ago, an old man told me there are two ways to appear better than other people:
1) BE better,
2) APPEAR better.

Unfortunately, many people revel in the dramatic problems (real and/or imagined) of other people. Therefore, "If it bleeds, it leads" will continue to be what many people want and what a large portion of the media will deliver.

IMO, it's sick.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited April 21, 2000).]