Columbine and OK City mention of Waco


Moderator Emeritus
Notice that the media is going bugnuts over the Columbine and OK City anniversaries...on site reports at memorial services et al. I haven't yet heard a single mention of the Waco massacre

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Miss Demeanors

New member
I noticed that too. I thought that Columbine and Waco anniversaries were tomorrow? But they have mentioned both and not Waco, how sad

Ken in Iowa

New member
The government and the news media told us that those people at Waco were against the government. Meaning they were plotting to challange the governments power. Anyone who would do such a thing deserved everything they recieved.


Ed Brunner

New member
When the truth of Waco comes out, and people see it for what it really was, an absolutely horrendous abuse of power by a government against people specifically protected by the Constitution against such abuses, there will have to be an outcry.
If the general public is composed of pure idiots, maybe not!

Better days to be,



New member
My local NBC affiliate actually did briefly cover Waco....after Oklahoma City and Columbine. Although it was brief at least they mentioned it and mentioned the memorial service for those that died there. I will have to watch the later broadcasts to see if they repeat it.