Columbia river arms barrels... any good


New member
If you want to search the internet for more feedback on their barrels, also try "BHW" or "Black Hole Weaponry". That is the name they previously operated under - and, usually, the name still found on their 'custom' barrels.

Rifling and bore quality is generally pretty good. -Which means they generally shoot quite well, too.
Fit and finish are pretty good.
Customer service is mixed. I've had good interactions to solve problems. But they've also burned me and refused to correct the problems.
But... I have gotten multiple short chambers from them, and have seen at least a dozen more reports from people claiming the same.

Lead time is on their website - or at least used to be.
I've usually gotten barrels on the early side of the window that they quote.

I currently have two of their barrels left here. Would I buy another? No.

I had to finish chamber and/or hone both of the barrels that I still own, after they refused to correct a short chamber.
They also "lost" my order once. I had to prove that they had charged me and provide a copy of the order receipt, before they even took me seriously. Then they "lost" the barrel from that same order. Then they delivered 12 weeks late (on a 6 week quoted delivery time). ...And the barrel had a short chamber.

Bottom line for me:
They're disorganized and unpredictable.
Twice, I've had to spend MY money to correct THEIR problems, because all they had to say about it was, "Yea, we screwed up. We're not going to do anything about it. Go away."


New member
FrankenMauser's experience is not the first time I have heard these same comments.

There are to many good , customer service oriented barrel manufacturers out there to have to deal with stuff like above.

Its seriously to bad... I have also seen BHW / CRA barrels shoot very well.

But its not wirth the risk for me.


New member
I have a long tale about a 308AR barrel that I won't go into. After much frustration on my part I contacted them and they did send me a return slip to cover all shipping. Barrel was defective. I got a replacement barrel and installed it but have never gotten around to see if it works.

The silver lining is I learned a lot and ended up with a few widgets


New member
Thanks for the info, it seems to be a common thread on the various forums I posted this question.

Its too bad, they offer options no one else seems willing to do.

Any thoughts on Mcgowen or Craddock Precision?