Colt Trooper MKlll or SW M-19


New member
I'm trying to get my gun collection down to 3 automatics and 3 revolvers. I've decided to sell a revolver, but I can't decide which one because both are "Excellent"

Which one would keep??? Which one would you sell and why??? The Trooper MK lll, or the SW 19??? I am leaning toward keeping the Colt. Both are in LNIB condition...:confused:


New member
Bullrock, I'm eyein' a S&W M19 right now. Tell me about yours. I may be able to make your decision real easy!



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It's as good as it looks...




New member
I vote keep both ,You may regret it down the road and it will not be cheap to replace in that condition.


New member
I'd sell the colt. Keep the smith. Anything you could want for it is out there. If you're getting down to just a couple of guns, keep the more ubiquitous ones. Narrowing the collection is usually a pragmatic thing. Might as well keep on that track.
But that's just me.


New member
I vote keep both ,You may regret it down the road and it will not be cheap to replace in that condition.

I appreciate that...:) Now if I were 35 I'd take that advice...END of thread. But I'm 71 and don't think I'll be around down the road, and if I am, they may not allow all of my collection in the HOME!!!:eek:

Both guns are in great condition. They even handle and look alike. I have other Smiths right now, but the Trooper is my last Colt.

Currently the Trooper will only bring about $300.00. The 19 should sell for one to two hundred more, unless I'm dreaming...:rolleyes:


New member

Your S&W Model 19 is a beautiful specimen! However, if your picture is accurately depicting the gun-then, I don't see a pinned barrel and this could also mean that it doesn't have a recessed cylinder? If not-then, the value would be less for this gun?

Don't get me wrong, because I love Model 19's! However, consider that Colt is no longer going to produce any revolvers ever again! This is going to make the values of all Colt's to rise! If their values don't matter to you-then, pick the revolver that you like the best?:)

Although strength might not matter to you-you should be aware of the fact that the Colt Trooper Mark III, is a far stronger revolver than the S&W Model 19! In fact, it is even stronger than both an "L" frame S&W revolver or an Ruger GP100! This is true, whether it really means anything to you or not?:confused:

One other fact to consider? You very seldom see any mint condition, Trooper Mark III's-but, you can more easily find S&W Model 19's in pretty nice condition(I didn't mean that this would be easy-only that it would be more difficult to find a mint Trooper Mark III!)! This is one reason why I'm not going to sell my NIB, Trooper Mark III-and, if I had to choose between them, I'd sell my S&W Model 19 first! However, I'm not pushing myself to choose between these two great revolvers(Thank goodness!)so I don't envy you for this tough decision that you are forcing yourself to have to make! Good luck, in whatever you might decide to do? It's never easy having to give up any good guns!

In summary, despite all that I have said above, since both guns are good guns, one thing that you won't need, is to get a heartache over giving up the wrong gun! So, give yourself enough time to ascertain, which of your two revolvers would please you the most(In every way!)over a long period of time-and then, just give up your least liked gun!:eek:


New member
Boa2, Although strength might not matter to you-you should be aware of the fact that the Colt Trooper Mark III, is a far stronger revolver than the S&W Model 19! In fact, it is even stronger than both an "L" frame S&W revolver or an Ruger GP100! This is true, whether it really means anything to you or not?
Absolutely! That means allot Boa. Reading your reply about my 19 being pinned & recessed. I took a look at it, and, you're right. It's not! :mad:

That is just another reason I'm cutting back. I lose track of what I have, and if I had to shoot them all, I'd need 1,000 hours a week at the range...:D :D :D

This is the only pic I have of my Trooper. The other revolver is (as most of you know) is a Lawman I sold a couple of months ago...



New member
Any kids in the family? If so and you don't need the cash, why not give one or the other to them. Just a thought, but it's your decision.
Be well, CraigJS


New member
A LNIB MkIII Trooper should bring more than $300 and a non P&R LNIB M19 won't bring as much as you think. They both should go for about the same price. One thing to think about is there are a lot of NIB M19s, but seldom do you see NIB MkIII Troopers. That's a tough decision to make.


New member
I'd keep the S&W, but then I don't know what the remaining two will be. Were that a Python, it would be more difficult.


I'd keep the Trooper MK III. A friend of mine bought one at a gun show for right around $300 (can't beat that. I've seen Trooper MK III as high as $800 at gun shows). He was reluctant as he was in a financial crunch at the time and didn't care for revolvers anyway. It is now his favorite gun and he glad to have gotten so good a deal on it as I told him he was. He has thanked me numerous times for talking him into getting that Trooper MKIII.

Keep the Trooper MK III (and dang sure keep that post war Official Police I see next to it :cool: )


New member
Bullrock>3 and 3: That would be a tough decision for me. We will all reach the time when it is time to thin the herd. Not looking forward to selling things that have been with me for years. If it means anything, my Dad is over 80 and still quite active. You have time!

If the Colt trend continues, I would have them lining up for my Diamondbacks, especially the 2.5" DB 22's.

I lean toward the keeping the Trooper Mark III. It is my favorite shooter 357, bar none. The action is silky smooth.


New member

I'd make you an offer on that Colt Trooper Mk III except I don't know that I could actually get it into the Peepul's Republik of Kalifornia. If you decide you'll sell it though, let me know and we'll work something out. I owned a Trooper back in the mid-70's and sold it to buy a new gun. Have kicked myself several times since then.

If I were judging which ones to keep for shooting fun, I'd keep the S&W. You can still get parts and they are easier to repair than a Colt.


New member

I love my Smiths, but if I were you, I'd keep the Colt. Fine gun, long history, and they don't make them any longer. You can always get another Smith, but you'll have a hard time finding one as nice as that 19 you've got!


New member

Although it is true that a Colt Trooper Mark III is harder to repair than an S&W Model 19, I don't think that you'd ever be shooting your Trooper Mark III enough to require any major repairs! The Trooper Mark III is a far stronger revolver than the Colt Python is! I don't mean this as a knock to the S&W Model 19-but, the Colt Trooper Mark III is undoubtedly the tougher revolver! Besides, if you should sell your S&W Model 19 and then later on, wish to obtain another mint M19, you could do so(Although it might take awhile-this, still is possible!)but, on the other hand, if you sell the Trooper Mark III, later on, you are gonna find it much more difficult(If not, impossible?)to find another available "Mint" Colt Trooper Mark III! And, if you do find one, it's will cost you more money, in view of Colt having discontinued producing any more revolvers! Although the supply of good mint, S&W M19's are surely dwindling, I think that these will always prove to be easier to obtain, than it would be to obtain another, mint Colt Trooper Mark III?

In the last ten years that I had been on a quest to find mint revolvers, I had only found just one Colt Trooper Mark III, that was NIB-and, I had found more than a few mint S&W M19's, during this time! This is why I bought this Trooper Mark III, pictured below:



Rufus Pisanus

New member
sad choice

It's a hard choice to make. I have a S&W 19-3 and I am very happy with it. I would buy it again tomorrow even if it was a couple of $100 more than I paid sell the Colt (to me ? :) )


New member
I'd keep both.......what's the difference between having three revolvers or four.......unless of course you need the cash. My experience has been....I have regrets over EVERY gun I have ever sold. I foolishly sold a Colt Trooper several years ago and I regret it and would like to replace it ! You'll not likely come across either of those revolvers again for sale at your original purchase such NICE condition. And as I said....what's one more revolver. If they won't let you take it with you into the retirement home....I volunteer to sneak it into you......I just would appreciate it if someone reading this will do the same same for me when it's my time ! ;)

PS How's summer progressing along in Maine, Bullrock ? on the other end of the continent in WA we're still stuck in the cool and rainy cycle.



New member
Diamondback, PS How's summer progressing along in Maine, Bullrock ? on the other end of the continent in WA we're still stuck in the cool and rainy cycle.
Just terrible! More rain than we can handle and cool...Like your neck of the woods...:mad: